How much money do you want to save grandma?

"Why did you lie to him? What did you get from lying?" Zhao Zhang asked when Xiao Xing's cough lessened a bit after Xie Jayden assaulted his neck.

When Xie Jayden left his neck, without any strength left in his legs, he slid down coughing uncontrollably. When he closed his eyes only the pictures of his sister showed up in them and then appeared the other face that became everything to him. The chocolate orbs filled with sorrow in his heart. He looked at Zhao Zhang without showing many emotions.

"I haven't lied to him. I came here for money to change my sister and my life. I needed money to fulfil my dreams." He said looking straight ahead. When Zhao Zhang heard the answer, he looked at Shihui and gestured for him to leave them alone.

"This is not the whole truth. I would like to listen to the whole truth that you are hiding behind the half-truth." He then sat near him and leaned his head on the wall.