Love me please!

"We need to go back to the hotel," Edward said as he circled his arms around Omega's waist. He pulled him up effortlessly like Mo Shen was a small doll and made him stand on his legs.

He proceeded to walk out of the club but before he could even cross the couch, he got pushed off by his Omega.

"I don't want to go to the hotel. I want to drink." He then turned around and sat back on the couch but the heat in his stomach rose a bit making him hold his stomach tight. His face became all red and his breathing got heavy.

"You don't look good, Tu Baobao, come we need to go." Edward again held him in his embrace but he got scratched by Mo Shen in the process.

"Oh my Omega, you are too wild. Just wait until you open your heart to me. I will tame you my untamed Omega."