Where is Xie Jayden?

She said softly, looking at Xiao Xing. He gulped again and spoke out.

"No, that's not like that, Xie Nuan. I can tell you that..."

"Stop lying, Xing ge. I know what it is but I think we should speak when we reach our room."

She turned her head in front and sat upright like a little princess. Xiao Xing looked at her and for seconds he felt he was seeing Xie Jayden sitting in front of him.


"He got to know the day grandma had a heart attack. When we went to Beijing to check the fitting, Jiejie saw me in the designer's studio and tried to talk to me." He warmed up his face with his palms.

"That time I got so thunderstruck that I couldn't manage to keep it less suspicious. I think that time he asked his men to find out about jiejie and then he found out I am not his Yuan."

"Then why hasn't he asked Mo Jin or me about it?"

"He won't ask you two..."

"What? But why?"