So were you scared?

Xie Jayden's tight grip almost suffocated Xiao Xing but still, he felt the calmness in it. His heart almost skipped beats and thumped loudly making him hold on to Xie Jayden. He rested his head on Alpha's shoulder and thought about the situation.

"Were you scared for me, Mr Xie?" He murmured in Xie Jayden's ear with a soft smile that arose on his face making him look gorgeous even in his worst state of his.

The grip around Xiao Xing got loosened up a bit when his words made Xie Jayden realize what he was doing. He slowly started to come out of the hug but Xiao Xing kept holding on to Xie Jayden. He made sure that he won't come out of that hug.

"What if I would have died yesterday? What would you have done after that?" He smiled while asking the question but someone's heart broke into small pieces after hearing the question.

"XIAO XING..." Xie Jayden roared so loudly that his voice came out of the room alarming his men standing outside.