
"Xing Xing, you need to take these pills...painkillers and... I was so rough with you. Take them so that you won't feel pain." Xie Jayde put the tablets in Xiao Xing's hand without looking into his eyes for not telling the whole truth to him and led a glass of water in front.

"Gege, just cuddle me to sleep, I will get alright." Xiao Xing cupped Xie Jayden's face and then slowly pulled him towards him, to place his forehead on his. "I want to know if you are still adamant about not getting pregnant." Xiao Xing thought in his mind.

"Xing Xing, that won't do. You have to take them."

"Gege, but if I don't take them..."


When Xie Jayden got angry, Xiao Xing laughed out loud.

"Jay gege, why did you get so angry? I can bear the pain. I am that strong."

"You would have been strong if you would have got proper care since you were little. Your lifestyle back is responsible..."

"What are you talking about, Gege? An not strong? Am I not well?"