
"Am I that stupid? Tell them the truth, really can I?"

He looked up to the sky and giggled softly as someone told him a joke. He then got up from the bench and went near the swing's poles. He looked at the swing that was still moving after Yu Daiyu got up from it.

"Can you see, this swing is still moving? But you got up from it long ago."

He then leaned against the pole and started to bang his head on it repeatedly against it. She turned to him then with concern but stopped herself from getting close to him in fear he would go back into his shell again with foreign touch. Then she looked at the swing. Her emotions stirred up for the first time but settling her mind, she prepared it for worse to hear. She moved near another pole of the swing.

"What do you want to say?" She looked into those dark amber eyes, they were shouting showing her the reality of the truth she wanted him to speak to his family.