He wasn't even breathing!

{Present time}.

“When Shuhui gege returned to Guangzhou that night, he called grandma and told her that he admitted Shen Gege to the hospital for losing his consciousness.” Mo Jin said on the phone.

“When I went to the hospital, I saw his worst condition. But when grandma asked what happened to Shen gege, Shuihui gege told us that he saw his teacher die while giving birth to her daughter. That led Shen gege to get traumatised. So, he asked us to not ask him any questions about his teacher and help him to come out of the trauma.”

“He told everyone only this thing?” Xiao Xing asked what his mind needed to know.

“Yes, Shuhui gege never told anyone what happened that day because he wanted to save Shen Di. He hid everything very carefully.”

“Then how did you get to know everything about them? And how did you get to know about the incident that happened?”