
“When are you coming back, Daddy? I was waiting for you, we will have dinner together.” Ji Ai asked as he called her father from home.

“Ai Ai, please, don’t wait for me. I will be late. I am sorry, my baby. Can you forgive your daddy this time? I promise I will get something for you while coming back home.” Ji Yul spoke up as his face saddened thinking about Ji Ai.

“But Daddy, you told me that you won’t take much time to come back and I could wait for you tonight.”

“Yes, little one, I asked you to wait for me but at the last moment, some work came up. But I promise I will make it up to you, Okay?” Ji Yul said as he walked inside the hotel to finish his meeting.

“Okay, Daddy but you have to promise me that you will complete at least three of my wishes when I ask you.” When Ji Ai demanded, a smile adorned Ji Yul’s lips.