My alarm clock song

My alarm clock song

We walked down a long dark hallway until we got to the open part it was huge and there were many men over 100 men I dare say in the distance I could count only one 5 women the men dancing with each other she took my hand and pulled me in I asked

What kind of place is this?

A gay disco my cousin always comes here he has an affair with the manager.

You had to scream to hear

And why did you bring me to a place like this

There were some stairs and a sign that said (vip zone)

We went upstairs and there was this blond man waiting for us.

Come!! he said

We went upstairs and they blocked the entrance when he saw me he said

Anthony I swear I thought you were lying when you said Samantha Broxon was coming she is the hottest modeling and movie star of the year come on in honey sit down here no one is coming up today on the house I'm bringing you.

Something soft. Said Gentil

Ok a fruitpoint with a splash of vodka.

He went downstairs with anthony and I took the opportunity to ask

Why this place

Because I don't know of any other place where we could go underage.

You look beautiful and your makeup is gorgeous

I smiled and answered

Thank you and you're not far behind, look how beautiful I ask you, I mean have you ever been with another girl?

No I have never even been with a boy

You are not a virgin

Don't laugh

It's not that I thought virgins didn't exist.

Well if they do exist you have one right next door

Hahahahaha we laughed out loud it was just me and her and Anthony was with her boyfriend the manager who from time to time came up to join us she said come on let's open your present she took out of the bag a little plush pink monkey stuffed animal it was beautiful I hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek

Thank you it's beautiful and it smells like you

Yessss I put some rose perfume on it the kind I use.

I'm going to go to the bathroom and I'll be right back

Ok beautiful

She came downstairs but forgot to block the entrance to the stairs and in a matter of minutes a woman sat down next to me and I turned around scared.

Hi mommy you're lonely you want some company

You're beautiful I think I've seen you somewhere.

Don't be scared I don't bite even if it makes you want to eat me.

I got up and so did she at that moment Gentile arrived

Leave her alone she's with me

She's your girlfriend

If she's my girlfriend stop bothering her this space is closed for the two of us

And the woman turned around and walked away

Hahahaha we laughed it was all very funny we stared at each other and just at that moment that song that had my awakened unchained melody started to play she held out her hand and I took it we got closer until I felt her grab me by the waist and we started to dance that ballad I had never danced as well as with her only with jhos but small parts of the song

I was a little taller than her and I let my head fall on her shoulder my heart beat strong and I decided to wrap my other arm around her neck we danced staring at each other without realms just looking at each other look at her lips and she at mine it was an invitation to kiss I wanted to maybe the drinks went to my head but I couldn't avoid getting my lips closer and closer to my dreams and when I could already feel her breath entering my mouth and our lips about to touch when they screamed

Ajaaaa!!! So they are girlfriends already

Said Anthony holding his boyfriend's hand

I got scared and felt embarrassed so I just took the stuffed animal and put it in the bag and I said

I have to go

Gentile grabbed me and said

Wait, they're just kidding

I have to go anyway, I ran away and it's been over an hour since I left my party, thanks for the gift.

I just got out of the race and took a cab and just as I got there I saw the light of a car coming and it was Jhos and he got out quickly.

Samy I have called you more than 15 times because you didn't answer.

I had left the phone in the studio

Why did it take you so long

Your little friend abril fainted it was the scare of my life

I ran to April and to disguise it I said what have you got

I think it was the booze

Jhos was about to call 911

But I'm fine now

Suddenly jhos asks

And that gift and that cab who was it

I got so nervous and said

One of my modeling friends came by to drop him off but she couldn't stay she has to travel to madrid first thing in the morning.

Ah ok

I'm going to the room to leave the gift

Jhos says

I'll go with you

As I go up to the room Jhos grabs my arm and pulls me against him kissing me.

Don't you want to make love

Jhos I have guests downstairs

However he continued until he took me to the bed while he kissed me I closed my eyes and Gentil's face came to my mind and when I opened them I saw her face instead of Jhos' I pushed him and jumped out of the bed he was surprised and asked me

What happened?

Jhos I don't feel well it must be the drink so you better say goodbye to the party for me I'll see you tomorrow.

So early it's one o'clock

I really feel terrible

It must be one of the foods at the banquet. April must have fainted, something must be wrong with the drink or the banquet.

Yes it must be that

Well I'll see you all off but tomorrow I want you to meet me alone at the bachelor apartment.

Alright love I'll take a bath and go to bed I love you

I gave him a little kiss

As soon as he came out I called april's number

Alo April I am not feeling very well so I will go to bed and I promise to talk to you please say goodbye to the guests and make sure jhos leaves too

Ok but we have this pending conversation you are very strange

I promise to explain everything tomorrow

And so they all left I took off my clothes I got into the shower I exfoliated and then I put on my pajamas I saw the gift bag that Gentil gave me next to my bed and I took out the stuffed animal I smelled it it smelled exactly like her I hugged it to my body I closed my eyes and I replayed in my memory as if it was a movie I felt so confused I didn't know for sure what was happening to me with her but every time it was stronger and stronger I wondered why I didn't kiss her maybe I would have got out of doubt but at the same time I felt disgust for imagining those things and suddenly the notification of a message sounded I opened the message and it was her.

It said

I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable again, I always seem to ruin the moment.

Me: not at all you don't bother me I love everything and the stuffed animal has me in love from now on he will be my sleeping partner I will call him Anthony like your cousin.

Gentile: Yes, but I thought it was a female because of the color.

Me: well you're wrong he's a delicate man like your cousin

Gentile: hahahahahaha I would like to see you before going to sleep you left so fast we didn't even say good bye well

I smiled and answered

Me: at this hour are you sure you can come?

Gentile: Of course my father is not at home he is security at a stripper bar he is never at night.

Me; ok come on I'll pass you the address let me know when you're outside

In about 15 minutes she arrived

Gentile: come on out

I carefully got out and she was standing next to the cab I approached her and said

You can go thank you

She told me to wait for her

I looked at her and said

No nothing that's it go away I'll call when she's going to leave

The cab left

I can't be long my pass leaves around 3:30 it's already 2 in the morning.

All right you want some cake something to drink

I'm not okay like this in fact as not long ago I had a barbecue with antony and her boyfriend.

Come on.

I took her by the hand and led her across the lawn but it was uncomfortable walking on the lawn in those heels so she stopped and took them off and took my hand again we walked across the huge lawn to the sun deck there was big swing type furniture and we sat on one.

I looked at her and asked

So how did you end up getting through it?

I was better before you left, I was bored out of my mind without your company.

I smiled and said

And so was I in fact I wanted to go back but I had to get there before Josh noticed my absence at all because I still sent the party to end and went upstairs to go to bed.

Why don't you just tell your boyfriend that we're friends, we're not doing anything wrong.

No jhos is not a very tolerant person and he takes care of me a lot besides he has told me a thousand times that he doesn't like you and I don't know why.

It's crazy, but I haven't done anything to him.

I took his hand and I sighed and said

You know I want to confess something to you and I hope it doesn't come out of us but I need to tell you.

Tell me what's going on?

When we were dancing I don't know if you would feel the same but I felt a lot of desire to be......

And right then and there a car came and interrupted me I couldn't finish the word I looked out and saw that it was my sister so when she saw me she said

And what happened here and your party I thought you were still here it was over very early something happened.

No what's going to happen I just felt indisposed and decided to end it.

My sister walked a little further and said

And what are you doing out at this hour with who

There by God you want to know everything Gentile came over and said

Hi I came to congratulate you but I'm leaving now

To congratulate her at 2:30 in the morning.

Oh for God's sake Daisy don't be fearless go to sleep she's my sister she's adopted that's why she's so skin colored

Daisy made a gesture of displeasure and left.

You and your sister always treat each other like this

No.... In fact, there are days when we treat each other worse.

Well, I must be going now

I took her hand and said

Hay noo please stay

My dad would kill me if he would rather talk to me on the phone and I told him I was already in bed.

Why did you come

I don't know

I just know that I wanted to see you

I wanted to see you too if you could stay today.

I can't

And another day maybe

Yeah sure, it would just take a lot of convincing my dad, the main rule of the house is no sleeping out.

I stared at her and smiled as I shook my head and said

I'll call you a cab

I dialed and asked for a cab and told her

The nearest one is 7 minutes away and it's coming

And again I stood there in front of her holding her hand and looking into her eyes and she into mine I told her

You write me to let me know that you arrived safely

Yes, of course

At that moment the change of lights indicated the arrival of the cab and I said to her

Well see you Monday

I went to give her a kiss on the cheek and almost kissed her mouth due to lack of coordination of both of us we pretended several times until I kissed her cheek we laughed she walked away and got into the cab.