About to be discovered

About to be discovered

I went downstairs to say goodbye to jhos we sat on the terrace and while I was talking to him my father arrived so I got up for a moment to greet him leaving my phone on the couch next to jhos in the distance I heard the notification tone of an incoming message and I saw jhos take it I approached him and said why are you reading my messages he stood up and his expression was very angry I took it off him quickly and he asked me in a high pitched tone

Why is she sending you a message like that?

I looked at the phone and the message was gentle and it said

Hi, I wanted to say goodnight and tell you that I had a dream about you and I don't know if I should tell you about it.

I looked at jhos and said

I'm sure he was wrong it would be for newtan

Well, answer him that if he can't tell the difference between your name and Newtan's name, why do you have his number engraved?

I recorded it while we were doing our psychology work.

Again a message came in from Gentil and I read it.

You know we better forget about the dream I can call you back

Jhos angrily tries to take the phone away from me.

I pull away and tell him

What's wrong with you I'm not going to give you my phone

It's her that deviant that's bothering you

Oh you better get out of here Jhos you talk a lot of stupid things

I don't want you to kiss me, you don't want me to touch you and even for sex you're a different person, you're no longer fond of me, something's happening to you and I'm going to find out.

Oh think what you want

I left him standing there and went to my room I said to the maid I will not eat dinner.

I'm not having dinner just bring me up an orange juice and rice crackers.

I went into the room and answered the message to Gentile.

Hello beautiful I also dreamt about you, I hope it was the same dream you had.

A few minutes later her call came in on my phone.

Me: hi baby

Gentil: baby? I love it sounds good

I smiled and jumped on the bed.

Gentile: what are you doing

Me: thinking about you

Gentile: I think about you a lot too, that scares me a little bit.

Me: It's the same for me, I want to see you

Gentile: at this time it's 8 o'clock at night.

Me: please come I want to tell you something important

Gentile: You know I just finished a chocolate cake, so I'll take the opportunity to bring you a piece.

Me: perfect, I'll wait for you

Gentile: I'll take a cab, my dad took the motorcycle.

Me: ok don't be long

I stood up, brushed my hair and put on some perfume and after 20 minutes the message arrived.

Gentile: I'm outside

I ran downstairs my father and my mother were having dinner and they said

What's up daughter

A visit dad

I went outside and tried to relax so she wouldn't notice my excitement, I walked towards her and took her by the hand and led her to the couch on the terrace, she looked at me smiled and extended a small box.

Here I brought you chocolate cake made by me.

I received it and told her

Thank you it must taste divine we shared it

No, you don't eat, I have enough at home

We sat down and I took her hand again I had a dream about you but I don't know if I should tell you.

I had a dream about you too and now I can't stop thinking about you.

I smiled and told him

Well, I have also thought about you a lot and I want to confess that I am very nervous.

At that moment, Jhos' voice boomed behind me.

What the hell is this Samantha, you're kicking me out of here to greet her

I stood up and told her

Jhos calm down for god sake

He annoyed pulled me aside and pulled Gentile by the arm saying

What are those crappy messages you send to my girlfriend, you filthy lesbian.

She jerked away and let go of him

What's wrong with you you've gone crazy

I pushed her and she fell badly on the rustic floor of the terrace bending her foot.

I pushed Jhos and yelled at him.

Don't touch her how dare you she's a girl

My parents came out

What's going on here that all that buya

Jhos went crazy daddy

And when he tried to help Gentile up she couldn't get her foot in place and said she was in a lot of pain.

My dad said

we have to call an ambulance or not bring her to the van we'll take her to the clinic

He turned to look at jhos and told him

You and I, young man, have a pending conversation, this thing you just did, you'll have to explain it to me.

We arrived at the clinic and her father contacted her and thank God it was just a bad ankle and they sent her for 2 days of rest and anti-inflammatory medication.

I'm sorry I didn't think that Jhos was going to get like this and much less that he would mistreat you, why don't you stay with me today, I promise to take care of you so your dad doesn't lose a night of work.

She looked at me

No thanks, it's best if I stay away

I don't want you to leave

And at that moment Gentile's father, an Asian man, came in.

What happened Gentile and what were you doing out of the house at this hour?

Dad it was an accident

I interrupted him and said

Nice to meet you Mr. Samantha Broxon I am your daughter's classmate

At least you were with her and not with that kid. I have already told you that your duty is to study and take advantage of your scholarship, not to make friends, neither you nor I belong to that world.

Sir it was an accident

An accident of her own making

Get up, we're going home, Anthony will stay with you.

He took her away and we went back home. Jhos was there, my dad stood in front of him and told him.

What the hell was that, Josh?

I lost control sir, I apologize, it's just that this friendship doesn't suit samy.

I interrupted

I decide who suits me and who doesn't and the truth is that with that behavior and that aggressiveness, maybe it's with you that I don't want to be with you.