He who is deceived always senses it

He who is deceived always senses it

In the morning we are awakened by the knock on my door

Miss Samantha breakfast is ready

I woke up hugging her what a wonderful feeling that had never happened to me before, well I had never woken up hugging anyone.

Ok I'll be right down!

I got up to brush my teeth and Gentil and I was still naked, I walked up to her and hugged her back, wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck, I told her

Won't you kiss me good morning?

She smiled and turned around saying

One kiss?

Impossible I want to give you thousands of kisses last night was wonderful. I never imagined I could feel so many things or that making love would be so divine.

I even thought my first time would hurt and it was the opposite it was divine it was romantic.

I feel like I'm really in love with you

I looked at her and smiled at her and I told her

I am completely sure that I fell in love with you from the first time I saw you and I will never let you go from my life.

Gentile: you are sure and then jhos and your commitment to him.

Me: that commitment does not exist for me

Gentile: but for him it does

Me: listen, i don't know how i'm going to do it, but i'm going to get jhos out of my life because i love you.

Gentile: today i will talk to newtan and i will end this relationship i don't want him to be cheated on and besides i only want your kisses your caresses no one else's but yours

I took her by the waist and took her to the shower while we were bathing I kissed her I caressed her I touched her and she touched me I said to her in my ear

You are mine no one else's

She answered me

I've been yours for a long time

Then we got dressed and went downstairs laughing remembering everything we did the night before.

We got to the dining room my parents asked to eat in their bedrooms so I sat down in the garden dining room with Gentil and a few minutes later my sister arrived.

Hi girls, how was your night?

Gentile and I looked at each other and laughed and my sister also said

No, you better not give me any details

Hahahahahaha laughter from all three of us at the same time.

I grabbed my sister's hand and told her

Thank you Daisy I don't know what I would have done without your support and I want to apologize for not understanding your relationship and not being supportive.

Samy even if he had supported me he was just using me. The one in love was me not him. I was just a diversion. He took all the money he could get and he even made me steal money from our parents. They have reason to be upset.

Yet I used that to hurt you

The important thing is that your love is reciprocated. You are lucky, you are both lucky I knew from the first moment that my sister died for you.

Laughter again hahahaha

And at that moment jhos' voice was heard saying in an annoyed tone while clapping his hands

Bravo bravo bravo congratulations to the idiot of the year!

I stood up to prevent him from approaching the table and not trying to assault Gentil again.

What are you doing here so early and talking in that tone?

No, I'm asking the questions here Samantha

Let's go somewhere else

No, right here you are going to clarify a lot of things, starting with what is she doing here at this hour or that you slept together?

And what if I sleep here?

What if she knows who the idiot you cheated on me with and why you ran away from our engagement party?

My sister stood up and in a loud voice said to him

Now you calm down jhos or you leave.

He was quiet for a few minutes and then he said

You know what he did last night?

She ran away from our engagement party, you saw what the papers said.

She didn't run away. I brought her home myself with colicky discomfort and you can ask our parents.

And then explain to me what this flea is doing here now she's everywhere after you Samantha.

I answered

She comes to my house whenever I feel like it and as many times as I feel like it.

And her name is Gentile

My sister called security and ordered them to get him out but he got more upset and pulling me by the arm he yelled at me.

Answer me!

Who did you go to see last night?

Is this Anthony the one?

Apparently my parents were notified and they came downstairs while he was holding me tightly and my dad yelled at him.

Let go!

Let go of my daughter now!

He got scared and my father grabbed him hard by the chest of his shirt and with a strong voice he said

What's wrong with you asshole, you don't touch her!

And he pushed him

Get him out of my house

He said

Let me explain sir

I don't want to listen to you get out of here

He ended up leaving

I was crying scared my father hugged me and gave me water and asked

What happened?

Dad came in screaming and yelling and insulting me and Gentil accusing me that I was cheating on him and that yesterday I ran away to meet someone.

My sister supported me and said

It's true dad, he was mad.

My father looked at Gentil and said

And your friend was the one who came here last night

I answered

Yes dad

She's your cousin's girlfriend if I'm not mistaken?

Yes dad she is the one who has been helping me with my subjects and we have made a nice friendship and he insinuates things about me and her.

I will talk to him later and to his parents I hope you can clear up his doubts later but first let me talk to him about this unpleasant incident.

He says that in the press they talked about him and me.

Yes love but nothing important other than ridiculous assumptions and to your friend I apologize again for jhos attitude apparently he doesn't see you in a good light.

Gentil replied

Don't worry Mr. Broxon, I think maybe it's best that I go home so you can solve this problem.

I looked at her and said

You're leaving? so soon don't go

She looked at me and with a soft tone she said to me

Yes, Samy, the best thing to do is to solve this problem with him and your family.

My dad said

Your friend is being conscientious and must be very uncomfortable, this is the second time that jhos has attacked her, she must be nervous.

I looked at her and then at my dad.

Let me walk her home so her dad won't think badly if she arrives alone.

Okay, but you'll go in the van with the driver so that jhos doesn't wander around and try to chase her.

It's ok dad

Go get in the van and I'll get one of the drivers to take you.

She and I went to the van and got into the back seats and inside the van I took her hands and said

My love, forgive me for this unpleasant moment, I never thought he would arrive at this hour, he is a drink till he drops kind of guy and I thought he wouldn't get up to see me until late in the afternoon.

She, although a little disoriented, caressed my face.

Don't worry you don't have to apologize you didn't do anything it was your asshole boyfriend.

I put my fingers on her lips and silenced her.

Sssshhhhh! don't say that while we are together my girlfriend is you and no one else if the others want to think that he is my boyfriend and that my heart belongs to him. We know it's not like that.

She still caressing me and asking me

Do you swear to me?

That it's me you want that you don't feel anything for him anymore?

I stared at her and moved closer to press my lips to hers and without taking my lips off hers I told her

I swear

And I kissed her a short kiss

I love you Gentil and I don't care if he bursts with anger or doubts my heart no longer belongs to him, my heart is yours.

She smiled and said to me

And I'm yours only yours

And in that instant passion, desire and love dominated each one of our senses and our mouths joined in a kiss full of adrenaline we lost the fear of being seen my tongue entered her mouth softly and she with her tongue was looking for space to enter mine it was almost immediate the desire to undress her and she was already understanding what desire and excitement were.

The kiss was prolonging and neither of us wanted to stop, however in the distance my father's voice could be heard giving orders to the driver to take us there, that made us stop and separate very quickly.

The driver got in and asked us for directions and drove for about 15 minutes until we arrived.

I told her to wait for a few minutes while I went with her to her house. We didn't get out and she opened the door and inside her father was still asleep so his work was at night she drove me to her room which was very simple, a small bed, a small closet and an old television set.

And she closed the door

She said to me

I'm sure you'll be fine

Me: as long as you and I are fine everything is fine.

Besides, nothing can ruin the fact that I'm living my true first love.

She came up to me and took my hands in hers and said

Your first love?

Yes, my first and only love

And just as we were about to kiss, Gentil's dad opened the door and we quickly let go of each other's hands.

You are early

Yes dad, it's just that Samantha has things to do and I preferred to come over.

And how did you have a good time?

I had never had such a good time in my life

I took the opportunity to tell Gentil's father

Thank you for letting her stay with me, I'll bring her back safe and sound.

No thanks to you and your family for last night's gesture, there are still enough pastries for two days.

I smiled and looked at her then I said

Well I have to go, I have a family matter to settle.

I gave Gentile a kiss on the cheek and left.