One week after the tragedy

One week after the tragedy

Finally Monday I drove to the school parked and got in the first thing I see is her my love talking to Anthony and I don't hesitate to go to where they are standing she looked at me and smiled I told her

Hi how are you doing

And she answers me in my ear

More in love than yesterday with you

Anthony was already an accomplice practically even though he hadn't made any comments to me about what he thought but I looked at him and said

Your cousin drives me crazy I love it

He clapped his hands together laughing and leaned in close to my ear saying

And you make a beautiful couple.

And at that moment I just felt how he was pulled hard making him fall to the ground.

It was jhos again shouting

So it's you?

I got in the way

Hey let it go what's wrong with you

Shouting he answered me

What's wrong with me yesterday you went with April supposedly to Madison and then you arrived and didn't want to receive my visits, this asshole is the one who's messing with your head, why are you so strange with me?

I yelled at him while he gently helped his cousin up off the floor.

What's wrong with you jhos

Leave him alone

Jhos was not controlled by anyone and started yelling at Anthony.

No you're a homosexual or it's a front to get close to my girlfriend I'm going to break your face.

And he went at her but she went through and Jhos pushed her making her fall and that's when my thoughts clouded and with force I crashed my open hand on her cheek and for the first time in our relationship I gave her a hard slap.

I explained about Jhos' jealousy and they decided not to call either of our parents but to suspend Jhos for the rest of the school day.

That was wonderful. I was able to eat lunch together gently at the end of the bleachers, we didn't kiss because there were so many people at the soccer games.

The school team lost the game and I didn't really care about that, I only cared about her.

That school day was over and I took her and Anthony home, it was the only time I had to kiss her so I went in with them and we kissed for a few minutes.

Too bad my parents put that escort to follow me around as I would like to be alone for a couple of hours with you.

She smiled saying

Yesssss and what would we do

I kissed her quickly and said

Don't tempt me

Hahahahahaha we laughed and I left when I got home again jhos and his parents he was a real pain in the ass.

My dad said

Samantha please can you come

Dad I don't have anything to talk about with jhos

Yes you do with jhos and me

I sat down and looked at jhos and then at my dad.

jhos got suspended because of you he says he saw this guy anthony your friend Gentil's cousin kissing you on your neck.

I opened my mouth in shock and said

That 'sa lie dad!

Jhos, how could you make up something like that?

He answered

Samy I saw him I'm not saying that you're cheating on me but he's seducing you he's pretending to be gay and you even took him to his house.

Dad you have to believe me I have nothing with Anthony.

Daughter your last actions give a lot to think about I gave orders to the escort to follow you and to tell me where you were going and he himself told me that you had indeed gone to Gentil's house where I also understand this boy lives So jhos jealousy is not so unfounded You have partly excluded him and have changed a lot with him

Dad for god sake I swear Anthony is just a nice guy and he and she helped me improve my grades my performance the principal has told you that I surpassed the previous years in terms of performance it is not fair that because of jhos crazy jealousy you are going to forbid me to see them or talk to gentil

I have nothing against your friend Gaños.

But I am going to demand that you not go to that house anymore from now on so that Gentil comes here to help you with your high school work. I will talk directly to your friend's father so that he can give her permission to come here to do her work and if she has to stay here sometimes she will also commit to her father that she will be watched, but you are strictly forbidden to go back to their house and much less knowing that her father is not there as for jhos I already talked to him about his aggressive behavior This is the last chance I give to jhos to get violent with you now you too sincerely talk if there is a problem and do not spoil what you have built for two years.

Although I didn't express it at the time I almost died of joy jhos' strategy only ended up benefiting me I will be able to share with the love of my life in my room she and I alone.

One week after the tragedy

Finally Monday I drove to the school parked and got in the first thing I see is her my love talking to Anthony and I don't hesitate to go to where they are standing she looked at me and smiled I told her

Hi how are you doing

And she answers me in my ear

More in love than yesterday with you

Anthony was already an accomplice practically even though he hadn't made any comments to me about what he thought but I looked at him and said

Your cousin drives me crazy I love it

He clapped his hands together laughing and leaned in close to my ear saying

And you make a beautiful couple.

And at that moment I just felt how he was pulled hard making him fall to the ground.

It was jhos again shouting

So it's you?

I got in the way

Hey let it go what's wrong with you

Shouting he answered me

What's wrong with me yesterday you went with April supposedly to Madison and then you arrived and didn't want to receive my visits, this asshole is the one who's messing with your head, why are you so strange with me?

I yelled at him while he gently helped his cousin up off the floor.

What's wrong with you jhos

Leave him alone

Jhos was not controlled by anyone and started yelling at Anthony.

No you're a homosexual or it's a front to get close to my girlfriend I'm going to break your face.

And he went at her but she went through and Jhos pushed her making her fall and that's when my thoughts clouded and with force I crashed my open hand on her cheek and for the first time in our relationship I gave her a hard slap.

I explained about Jhos' jealousy and they decided not to call either of our parents but to suspend Jhos for the rest of the school day.

That was wonderful. I was able to eat lunch together with gentle at the end of the bleachers. We didn't kiss because there were so many people at the soccer games.

The school team lost the game and I didn't really care about that, I only cared about her.

That school day was over and I took her and Anthony home, it was the only time I had to kiss her so I went in with them and we kissed for a few minutes.

Too bad my parents put that escort to follow me around as I would like to be alone for a couple of hours with you.

She smiled saying

Yesssss and what would we do

I kissed her quickly and said

Don't tempt me

Hahahahahaha we laughed and I left when I got home again jhos and his parents he was a real pain in the ass.

My dad said

Samantha please can you come

Dad I don't have anything to talk about with jhos

Yes you do with jhos and me

I sat down and looked at jhos and then at my dad.

jhos got suspended because of you he says he saw this guy anthony your friend Gentil's cousin kissing you on your neck.

I opened my mouth in shock and said

That 'sa lie dad!

Jhos, how could you make up something like that?

He answered

Samy I saw him I'm not saying that you're cheating on me but he's seducing you he's pretending to be gay and you even took him to his house.

Dad you have to believe me I have nothing with Anthony.

Daughter your last actions give a lot to think about I gave orders to the escort to follow you and to tell me where you were going and he himself told me that you had indeed gone to Gentil's house where I also understand this boy lives So jhos jealousy is not so unfounded You have partly excluded him and have changed a lot with him

Dad for god sake I swear Anthony is just a nice guy and he and she helped me improve my grades my performance the principal has told you that I surpassed the previous years in terms of performance it is not fair that because of jhos crazy jealousy you are going to forbid me to see them or talk to gentil

I have nothing against your friend Gaños.

But I am going to demand that you not go to that house anymore from now on so that Gentil comes here to help you with your high school work. I will talk directly to your friend's father so that he can give her permission to come here to do her work and if she has to stay here sometimes she will also commit to her father that she will be watched, but you are strictly forbidden to go back to their house and much less knowing that her father is not there as for jhos I already talked to him about his aggressive behavior This is the last chance I give to jhos to get violent with you now you too sincerely talk if there is a problem and do not spoil what you have built for two years.

Although I didn't express it at the time I almost died of joy, jhos' strategy only ended up benefiting me. I will be able to share with the love of my life in my room she and I alone.

On the other hand, my engagement to Josh was something I wanted to end but I was afraid to face my parents' questions and his parents' questions, but for the first time I started to see the unpleasant side of Josh, I really couldn't stand him anymore.

In the afternoon, my father and I went to Gentil's house and he knocked on the door and Gentil opened it.

Hello Miss Gentil, is your father here?

Yes sir, is something wrong?

She looked at me and I smiled so she wouldn't get nervous.

No honey I just want to talk to your dad

We went in and my father spoke at length and we were present for some reason Gentil's father did not tell on me nor did he comment on my many visits to his house nor about her birthday and my gifts nor about my visit to ask for madison's address and the best thing is that he accepted that Gentil came to my house in the afternoons to do the work at my house she and I looked at each other and laughed and when my father was leaving he said to me

I'll wait for you in the car, don't be late love

She and I hugged happily

Gentile's father coughed interrupting us

And he said

I would never believe that Anthony and you Samantha are having an affair or that he is interested in you.

What I do believe and I am sure is that the situation is different and I know that you and my daughter have liked each other for a long time and understand each other, that's why I don't tell you.

But take into account that there is another person suffering for you Samantha so the most sensible thing is that if you love my daughter you end that relationship as soon as possible before it becomes more violent now Gentile go upstairs to get your things today you will stay at Broxon mansion and use this time that I will give you alone to think about what you are going to do.

But if for some reason Samantha you don't have the courage to break your relationship it's best that you separate.

I looked at him and answered

Thank you sir, I promise that I will end this relationship with Josh and that when I am ready to talk to my parents about my feelings for Gentil you will be there.