Finally I see her

Finally I see her

The next day the hangover was killing us we were taking pills all morning for the headache even with the discomfort we could not help but laugh the days went by the weeks went by and I still could not find Gentil in the little free time I had I was looking for her because I had commitments with the fashion house as photo shoots commercial interviews.


Dominique and I decided to move to the penthouse and we had already moved all our stuff and we had been living there for 2 days, he was in his room and I was in mine and we were having breakfast together and I told himp

I don't know where to look anymore it's like she was swallowed by the earth April says she wrote to Brad and he said she was on a scholarship trip

Samantha it's time to get your life together at least let me organize a party for you with lots of girls and cute guys and give you a chance to meet someone ay

Dominique I know she couldn't have forgotten me.

She has a boyfriend what more do you want

The problem is your ego, you don't accept that she stopped loving you for a vulgar and wild man.

You have to accept it or you're going to live your whole life masturbating, it's time for you to feel real skin, real caresses and I assure you that it will change your way of thinking.

I looked at him and with a face of not being very convinced I told him

All right, have that blissful party today to open our love nest.

Hahahahahahaha we were laughing

All morning Dominique was in charge of sending out the invitations to hire security, each guest will have a special code to print and present to the security at the entrance.

By noon the drinks and snacks arrived, then the music was played and the penthouse has a huge terrace with a view of the city.

At about 7:30 in the evening Dominique decided to go to take a shower the guests started to arrive at 9 o'clock and when I got out of the shower I heard a noise in Dominique's room and I was already made up and combed my hair so I ran to his room and saw him lying on the floor with blood coming out of his head and I went into shock.

I remembered the death of Jhos and for seconds it was like seeing Jhos that day when the tragedy of his death happened when I reacted I screamed.

Security came up and ran to pick him up. He was as good as dead. We ran to the car and went to the nearest clinic where he was taken to the emergency room. I waited in the hallway and about 20 minutes later the doctor came out.

Hello Miss Samanta, how are you?

How is my boyfriend doctor?

There is nothing to worry about, he just lost consciousness because of the blow, we had to take 5 stitches but he is fine and you can take him to the hospital.

Is he ok for sure?

Yes, he's sure.

He says that the ceramic was wet and he slipped. The tomography came out fine and now he just needs to take some analgesic and tomorrow he'll be fine as if nothing happened.

Thank you, doctor.

We'll take this to the administration so that your health insurance will take care of the expenses straight down that hallway to the end on the left hand side while your boyfriend catches up with you.


I walked down the hallway to the end there I turned left and got to the administration and while they were doing all the pertinent things I heard the voice that voice that said

Patient 230 is out of intensive care to be signed out and transferred to the intermediate care room.

I turned around slowly my heart was pounding and if it was her it was Gentil.

She looked at me I froze it was as if my body could not obey me and just from one second to the next I jumped up and hugged her and she said

O for God's sake I have searched for you endlessly

And I felt how her hands went around my waist and she squeezed me little by little and we were like that for a few seconds and then I separated and she told her

I have to explain to you my courtship is not what you think I didn't cheat on you I still love you

And at that moment Brad arrived with a medical student uniform and kissed her on the lips saying

Hello love

He turned around and when he saw me he said

It can't be Samantha, my God how beautiful you look.

I couldn't stop looking at Gentil and she didn't stop looking at me, the jealousy of seeing him kissing her was eating me up inside, I was hoping that it wasn't true that they were just friends.

At that moment Dominique arrived saying

Princess here you are

Gentil made that particular gesture of running her tongue over her teeth with her mouth closed, she only did it when she was upset or jealous I reacted and I said

Thank you Brad

This is my fiancé Dominique

Love this is Brad and Gentil

He extended his hand to them and greeted them and said

Princess if we invited them to the party today.

I looked at him and said

Yes, of course you want to come to our party. We are opening our new apartment.

Gentil stared at me and said

I really can't because I'm relieving a friend of mine who asked me early for the favor.

And Brad said

It's just that we are not going out to parties for now because of her studies, she is an intern and I am still a student, I still have a year left to finish.

And Gentil said

Yes, right now we are focused on other things

Likewise Dominique said

She still takes a bracelet for you and one for your boyfriend in case they decide to go for it

She said

I'll take it but I don't think I can go

I couldn't help myself and I took her hand and told her

You look more beautiful than before

She looked at me and looked at Brad and I reacted and smiling I said

And you wooooooo

You are changing so handsome

He smiled and replied

Thank you it must be love that made me handsome. They say that beauty sticks.

Gentil looked uncomfortable so she said

Well I still have some patients to attend to so I'll leave you to it.

And she left as Dominique said

Well let's go, it won't be long before the guests start arriving and we left as we got into the car I said

I can't believe I saw her

Did you see how beautiful she is?

Yes I can't deny it she is a very pretty girl and so is her boyfriend.

I looked at Brad and asked

Do you think she's in love?

It's obvious she doesn't need glasses, of course she's in love.

I put my hand on my forehead and said

No way, I almost fainted when I saw her and that stupid Brad by the way is gorgeous.

And Dominique took my hand and with her other hand she gently took my chin and made me turn to look at him and she said

She's in love

But didn't you see that she didn't take her eyes off you even for a second, it was like she was hypnotized, besides he is very handsome and you make a beautiful couple but you and her would make the most sensual and exciting couple in the world, even I would make a threesome with you two.

I smiled and said

Do you really think she loves me yet?

I am so sure that I would bet 500 dollars right now that she will come to the party.

It's her turn and she's very responsible

Let's bet

If she comes she'll surely come with him or with Anthony

Let's bet

And I shook my hand to consolidate that bet