Anything to be happy

Anything to be happy

The afternoon fell and I sat on the terrace next to Gentile on the lagra next to the pool and I told him

Let's go in and cool off

She looked at me and said

You know what will happen when it all comes out because someday it will all come out.

I don't think about it Gentil

This is my reality now this is what I want to live and feel now to think about it would be to begin to suffer and not enjoy this moment.

And I pushed her into the pool and she fell in and immediately started laughing and pulled me by the arm and we undressed and made love.

I hugged her back and told her

You will be my wife in a few weeks

Yes, finally that takes me back to the past when you gave me the ring, I still have it, I never threw it away, deep down I always hoped to see you, even if it was just to give it back to you.

At that moment Dominique came down from her room saying

Hello couple of lovers, it's time to call Amarantha.