First sight

Chapter 1


My eyes followed a golden blond who passed by me leaving behind him a crisp of a royal perfume. "He looks handsome. Not him?" I asked

No he is more! A voice inside me answered.

"You sure?" I pressed smiling innocently, even though I know this will make her angry.

Hey!! Came the voice again almost angry and I smiled again. The observer might think I'm some nutcase.

Liz told me to bring her tea chocolates, right Audrey? Yep, that is what she said she wanted. She replied voice raced with near irritation. Anyway, here we are, standing in the cold, empty streets of Alaska in front of a French tea house. I really like the arrogance-aura on French things.

"Well, this is it, Audrey, we are here!" I grinned at the familiar purple and white cafe and walked in. The familiar waiters smiled in recognition.

A pair of black orbs met my eyes and a handsome young man in waiters’ uniform smiled as soon as I reached the counter. "How may I help you miss?"

"Can I get some tea chocolate truffles?" I said smiling back at him politely.

"A minute." He jotted down my request and gave it to another waiter before attending to other client’s needs.

"Hmm” Things are a little faster, thanks to me being a constant.

As I looked around the café, I realized that the boy sitting across me was staring at me but this did not bother me anymore. It’s not that I am immune, I'm just pretty much used to all the uncalled for attention I occasionally get, plus the young boy seems friendly. Audrey look, he even grinned at me! He is saying 'hi', isn't he? As if I care! She doesn’t care so I grinned back, his eyes widen, and he seemed touched. What's with him?

A friendly waitress approached and politely set many boxes of tea chocolates in front of me "Here, Quinn." she said with a smile.

“Hi. Thank you, Miss Cassie" I smiled back. She is cute. Whenever I see a beautiful woman, it feels like a piece of fresh is cut off my body. I mean, the only thing that a hideous girl like me, a woman who doesn’t even know herself, can do is feel envious.

She gathered the boxes to wrap them up for me while I scrabbled through my hand bag for my card. I found it and waited patiently for the cute waitress to finish packing before giving it to her. Liz is going to have to sell her car to pay me back all my money.

The main door of the café behind me clicked open and three men entered the café. I instantly felt eerie. They approached the friendly boy.

"Boy, long time no see!" One who seemed to be the leader greeted, far from friendly if I have to add that. The boy’s eyes darted everywhere and he went pale. "You really have no manners. Why don't you greet elders?" the other said chuckling. "Clearly none!" another chimed in and hit the boy in the face like some dog. See?

"At the least you should pay your debts." The leader said "don't you think so too?"

I stood there and watched the scene in front of me unfold doing nothing. The boy was practically trembling, his mouth opened revealing teeth stained with red and closed wordlessly. Blood ran down the side of his mouth. He looked like someone who desperately wanted the world to open up and swallow him, just like me. I noticed the boy has a simple cup of coffee with nothing else, meaning he has little money on him. People really need to be a little understanding!

"Can you please do your business outside?" a waitress said politely with a creepy smile probably making sure not to upset the men.

Are you kidding me?! She is implying that they do whatever, wherever, just not here! May be she is protecting her workplace but still! As the third man grabs the boy by the collar of his shirt to get him outside, I stand straight, I just can't take it any longer.

I Approach them and jerk the man's arm off the boy.

"How much does he owe you?" I asked. It's not like I want to die instead of the boy, so I'm using…daring politeness.

"Well, what's with this black chick?" seriously?! Why do you care you bull head? But I don't what trouble so...keep it cool.

"How much?"

"Wanna pay for him? Fine bae, 10 dollars"

"Ten?'' Oh boy, someone would have thought the boy did 'Money heist' in reality but I don't say that too, I'm not Jesus am I? "Will you be done with him then?"

"Of course!" the leader said scanning me. The fu** he is looking at? “But you and me? We will be starting girl."

Okay, with whom? Not me... I don’t like men; I am likely to get into trouble when it comes to dealing with them. You would like men most if you get less than one. Yeah, whatever.

I searched in my hand bag and provided 12 dollars. "Here"


"For cooperation." I say trying to keep calm. I really what to talk some sense into this stupid man!

"She is nice!" he says to the other two and they all laughed.

"See you around!" the second called. I don't hope so, so God won't grant that wish, right? I think so.

When they left, I turned to the boy and he stared at me. So I'm a black girl, with a fair skin and my friends said I'm beautiful. My face is almost round with big eyes that I've never seen with anybody else. One of my eyes is a blue and a little shiny, another is dark blue, very hideous indeed - so my besties said. But he didn't have to stare at me as if I'm an alien, did he?

"I'm sorry, I'll pay you back." he said finally, his voice shaking, poor thing.

“Never mind" I told him shaking my head to prove my point. Where will he get me? I mentally pout a tongue at him.

"I'm Brad."

"I see, nice to meet you." I didn't ask for his name, so I won't give mine, since I didn't like it. I turned and went back to the counter to collect my chocolates. And I saw him. I met these emerald green eyes studying me earnestly. I will this to him, he is freaking handsome. My heart skipped 8 beats

The way my tenant, jumps tells me I know who this godlike creature sitting feet away from me is. The way he looks at me tells me I should run...survive.


I was sitting in La bontẻ, a French café which we met on the road while driving back home from that jumbled meeting. Wade decided we should check it out and Nathaniel was okay with it and it didn’t really matter to me so here we were. A cold cup of Americano lay on the table in front of me untouched. I ran my eyes around the café trying to find something interesting but the only thing I saw was inviting smiles from ladies sitting around us and I could hear hushed murmurs of people whispering between themselves while glancing at us boldly. Guess the reason we are called the devils is because we make God’s children sin. On my right sat Wade who was trying to convince Nathaniel about something and across me was Nathaniel who was looking unconvinced and stoic as usual. But something just feels wrong or rather weird? I feel this weird feeling rising in me, it's not uneasiness. I searched across the tearoom… I saw a girl in a dark blue overcoat and yellow dress entering. I couldn't see her face, only her sashaying back, she looked stunning and gorgeous. Something about her has my eyes glued on her back as she buy things. The feeling is familiar, very!

I turned to the two arguing men, "Guys, do you…?" I didn't have to finish the question, I know the feeling, years ago and's the same!! I was brought out of my happy thoughts by a soft flat voice.

She was talking to three unpleasant men, trying to hide the disgusted tone in her voice, and it seems to be working with them, otherwise it would have been trouble. She was so calm, damn smooth. Her beauty made heads turn as she entered, who would have thought she was a no-joke one.

After dealing with the men, she turned...Our eyes locked, her eyes, one blue and another navy blue not in much of a contrast but still noticeable. I gasped. It’s her. They are finally here!

She turned in a hurry, collected her things and ran. Ooh, this is going to be fun...