An uneasy feeling comes over me when I pull up to the house. Making sure the car door is locked, I take a quick look around. Everything seems to be the way we left it, but I still have this unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach, like something isn’t right. I scan my surroundings again then realize that the pesky reporters are gone. "No wonder it seems so odd." Laughing, I climb out of the car. They’d been here every day for nearly two weeks, so their presents seem almost commonplace to me.
I step inside to find papers scattered everywhere. I then noticed the cushions on the floor and the furniture tipped on its side. A spine-chilling thought suddenly comes to mind. “What if they’re still here?” I dart out the door.
I'm halfway across the porch when I see a cop car pulling up to the house. "I'm so glad you're here," I say, running towards them.