Searching for the Truth

Sharon walks in to find Julia lying across the table sound asleep. Grabbing her shoulder, she gently shakes her." Julia, Julia," she says.

Lifting her head, Julia looks around. realizing she's still at the jail her heart sinks. She turns to find an older woman beside her. Her gray is pulled into a bun at the nape of her neck. She's casually dressed in a blue silk blouse and black pants. Her makeup is minimal with a little bit of base and blush. "Yes" Julia replies, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"My name is Sharon and I came to do a GSR test on your hands."

"Alarmed, the suspect sits up in her seat. A what?"

"A gunshot residue test. This will only take a minute and won't hurt a bit. " she pulls supplies from her kit.

"What's the test for?"

"It'll tell us if you shot a gun in the last few hours or so."

"I...I didn't. I swear it wasn’t me."

"Rachel and I believe you and this will prove it.”

"Thank you."