
Mabye you already heard the story of this little girl.

Some may know the girl as Mary Flaurence, some may know her as the ghost, some my know her as the midnight monster, and so on, her nickname depends of the country you heard it from. But most of you know her as Bloody Mary.

The legend also depends on the nationality. Some countries or religions venerate her for killing the sinners and say that she is one of the greatest gods. While on the other side of earth, pepole say that she is a malefic demon, and you may never try to invoke it. Some parents use it to scare they're children, so they will not wake them up. Some teenagers only use it and try it to fave fun, even if they are never seen again the next day.

The most important thing that you have to know is : DO NOT USE IT FOR FUN. This is going to be rule number 1

I don't want this to turn in an guide for avoiding demons, so there won't be many rules.

With something in plus or in minus, the essence is always the same. The story only says how to invoke her, and what happens after, but never the true story behind it, as is usually said.

The legend says that if you go in front of the mirror at exactly 3 AM,

RULE NUMBER 2 : never pass by a mirror if it's more late than 10 PM. If necessary, cover them.

with the lights closed and with 3 candles, one behind you, one in your left and one in your right, and whishper 3 times "Bloody Marry" instead of your reflection there will apear an little girl with pail face, straight and long dark hair, big black eyes and a nightgown tarnished with blood . Or, other legends say that she appears when you are too sinner.

She will get out of the window and than drag you in the under-world and there slowly kill you by sucking all of your blood.

The story says that after, instead of going to heaven or hell you will be left in the under world and your soul will be tortured forever while you have to make the life an nightmare to the people that you love.

Mabye, if you hear the story behind her actions, you will stop hating her.

Mabye, if you would only know what she is actually trying to do...

Mabye you will understand her...

But all of those "mabye's" are just mabye's.

I am not saying that after reading this book, you are going to love her, MABYE you will, but it's never shure.

Mabye, you will conrinue to think what you know from the story you first heard.

RULE NUMBER 3 : never be so shure about anything, it could be dangerous

It all started in a village near London...