They dragged us in the house.It was really nice inside. At first i trought that mabye there are just images at the windows, to make it look like a normal and nice home. I was wrong.

Inside was just like how i've seen from the window; childish decor, plants and colorfull wallpapers. I was almost hoping to see something terifying , if i would do than i would be less scared. It was waayyyyyyyy too nice inside. I wanted to run outside as fast as possible , but i was knowing it's impossible.

Anyways, more pepole(or dreamaros, i don't really know , they looked just like humans) appeared. They seppared us in to two groups , me with Johanna and Cam with Renna. They also guided us in to a big light room. The room was seppared in to 2 sections :

First one – rose walpaper,peach pink courtains (like the ones i was having home) , a big bed with pastel red sheets, a wardrobe with comfy and cute clothes ,a white carpet and shelfes with plushies and books. Mine , deffenetly.

Second one – black wallpaper and courtains, a bag-chair , a dark-blue couch, no carpet, records on the walls, a player for the records, an electric guitar, a table with dark makeup , a giant closet with short skirts and crop-tops . On the shelfes there wore a lot of books. This was having Johanna's vibe.

"Intresting " i said in my head "Oh , wait, they can see whathever we like, probably they spyed us for months"

"I love this" me and Johanna said at the same time and we runned to our side.

We started laughing.

"Finnaly , my dream room!" she said "Well, exept your part, i don't like that"

"I could say the same"

I started looking at the books on my shelves while Johanna putted on a record and started doing another layer of makeup.

Johanna was actually a nice company, she had lots of jokes, you could vibe with her, she was creative , and the most important thing... I COULD TALK WITH HER ABOUT BOOKS!

Like, we could talk about who we ship, how would it be if we wore in the books, what would we change, things we love , things we hate, etc.

At about 8 PM , the dreamaros bringed us some food. Greek salad with cucumbers, cheese , spanack and tomatoes, orange juice, some cake and a lot of other stuff. Somehow , me and Johanna wore both vegetarians.

It was like in paradise.

"Mabye dreamaros wore actually great pepole" i said in my head


In the morning, after more food , they dragged us out of our room and pushed us in the bsement.

I reggret what i said yesterday of how i would be more teryfied.

Inside there was a wall full of knives, a shelf of sharp whips and some kind of torture machines. Renna and Cam wore there too. Renna was looking terifyed.

"Stand back in a line and if you dare to try to atack me i promise you won't see the day of towmorow!" one of the dreamaros said

We did as it was told us to and a massive men appeared out of nowhere.

"Is anybody knowing why it is here?" the massive one asked

Nobody said a word.

"Is anybody knowing what is the reason why we taked you?"

Again, the same answer.

"Well, than i guess i have to introduce you. As you probably know, we are dreamaros. You are special and magnific, let me tell you why..."

He went in front of Cam and pointed to it's chest

"Do you know you have an kind of superpower? It is what we are looking for. You have an impossible-to-be-normal strenght." The massive one said and throwed and thing that looked really heavy and Cam cached it with only one hand .

Okay , but if he could realy do this, than why didn't he just escaped?

He went in front of Renna .

"You can make the others feel what you want, but you have this with the price of your voice."

What? Probably this is why i didn't have a panic attac in the van.

The massive one continued it's way , to Johanna . I was really courious what her power is. As courious as i was of mine.

"You have something really intresting and extremly usefull" he said "You can know what you want to know, but only what you really want to know."

That was explaining a lot...

He finnaly stopped at me.

"Oh and you,you have the thing we need the most...".