Chapter 6: Playing Both Sides


Where did I go wrong? I ask myself that a lot nowadays. My relationship with Bryson ended long before the boys. I didn't want to end it physically though because he became something and I knew I'd always be taken care of.

It's not right in the slightest way, but I'll literally be nothing without him. Just a broken woman with 2 boys.

"Ky you listening to me? I'm not about to keep playing these games with you. We were supposed to be together and out of this bullshit with Dame! Shit is on the line, what we gone do?" Nash said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Let me think on it alright? There's no going back after we do this and we have to be smart babe-"

"Don't call me that, looks like you like being with this dude, get it together or get left. Get out my car." He snapped. I'm in love with Nash but he treats me like shit sometimes. I don't want to make a bad decision. I'm stuck.


I'm so anxious for tonight. Just the other day I was against the whole male population and now I'm going out. On a date. AGAIN!

It's shocking to say the least but I'm ready for new adventures. I finished up straightening the shelves and locked up the store. There he was, waiting.

"You look good, I wish I had a change of clothes." I said observing his fit, it was laid back but he still looked good as hell.

"Stop it, you look great. Even in work clothes." He said looking me up and down.

"I have to admit, before you I was kind of against dating. I didn't think that I would gain interest in someone again." I shyly said.

"Well that's a good thing in my eyes, I feel like I need to step my game up now." He said laughing, damn he has some nice teeth. "And to be up front, I do have 2 kids. Me and her aren't together though." He exclaimed. Hmm. Baby mama? Do I want to go through with this or just mind my business away from him?

"I don't want to break up anything, I'm not trying to be a home wrecker." I said, I didn't want to have to deal with another party especially if I don't really know the situation. He seems to be truthful though.

"I understand that, but you wouldn't be breaking up anything as it's nothing to break up. I wouldn't lie to you." He looked me in my eyes and I could see it was genuine.

"Ok then," I blushed, "well enough of that where to first?" I asked ready to continue the date. I'm eager to see where this goes.


We arrived to this nice restaurant called 1212 Santa Monica. It was very much high end, top tier.

Our waitress seated us and gave us time to look at the menus. I'm not going to lie everything on the menu looked amazing but I wasn't sure what to get or what I should get. I haven't really been on a real date before. Not even with Tyler.

"Relax, you can order whatever you want. I like to eat I surely don't judge." I guess he seen me slightly stressing. He's really a great guy.

We ordered a few drinks and our food, it was a vibe. I was having a great time. I didn't feel overwhelmed or nervous I was just happy that I could be present and enjoy this moment.

I learned a few things about him, he has 2 businesses. One real estate and of course the real estate company. One of his sons have autism and loves to draw comic books, which is dope. He also haven't been with anyone in several years and this was his first date in a while.

I've just been looking at him smiling and laughing the whole time. I really like him, business wise I would love to experience what he has. The big house, cars, clothes, and the money. That's a different type of freedom. He's also very caring and nice.

We finished up in the restaurant and headed down to walk the beach. By this time it was night and the stars were out, it was amazing.

We walked along the beach in a comfortable silence. At the moment we were both taking in tonight, and enjoying the time we were with each other.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked breaking the silence.


"I haven't really connected with anyone like this for a while now, and I really want to be able to get to know you more. In a more intimate way." He said with his smooth deep voice.

"You can definitely get to know me more, I don't want to rush into anything though." I said not wanting to actually say I'm not ready for a relationship. It's a thought but I won't act on it too soon as I want to be sure if that's what I want to do.

"Of course you don't have to jump into anything, I just wanted to let you know that I like you, and I'm here to be patient for what I want." He said getting closer to me. He pulled me closer into him and kissed me softly.

The world went quiet, I felt secure and wanted. It felt like I'm this moment everything was as it should be.

We slowly pulled away and just smiled at each other. This man was really everything and more.

We talked for a little while longer and he finally took me home.

As I arrived I didn't see Tyler's car, he must've been working late again. I hugged Bryson goodbye and headed in the house.

Tonight was amazing to say the least. Bryson really treated me like a Queen, I can tell that he really likes me.

I showered and got ready to get in the bed. I decided to text Audrey to tell her about tonight and to see if she wanted to hang out this weekend.

Me: Bessssssstieee, I have tea! HOT TEA!

Audrey: Bryson popped up at your job huh? And you liked it? Whaaaaat?

Me: Wait, how did you know lol?

Audrey: Girl he text me this morning asking where you worked. I told him and was like she don't like pop ups, but look at you lol.

Me: lol you know I don't but he looked so fine and I actually kind of like him.

Audrey: So is this a thing now? Do I hear double dates in the near future?

Me: I'll talk to you more about it tomorrow I'm coming over, goodnight Re.

I'm glad that she told him, it almost felt like a fantasy.

I needed my night thinking about Bryson.


Tonight was everything I hoped it to be. Alyssa is so beautiful and down to earth. I can’t wait to be able to see her more.

I want to pursue her and although I’m still married we’re separated. I want a divorce, I stayed for the boys and with the divorce I’m going to fight hard for them.

I don’t want to miss out on my chance with Alyssa, with my chance of loving someone and connecting with someone who is like me.

Making it home I walked in and Kyla had cooked my favorite dish. Which is weird because she hasn’t cooked for me since before I caught her cheating on me.

“Hi Bry, would you like something to eat? The boys has eaten and sleeping already.” She asked me.

“I’m actually fine I ate already before getting here.” I said walking past the kitchen.

“Well can we talk? As adults?”

“Ok, let’s talk then “as adults”, I want a divorce. We’re just here, you’re living off of me and we’re not together.” I said with dough irritation. I didn’t expect to talk tonight to her at least.

“But what will I do? I quit everything to be a mother. How could you not take care of me and I had your children?” She yelled.

“Lower your voice when you talk to me, it’s not me who cheated, getting fucked my 3 men, IN MY HOUSE! I want you out of my life.” I exclaimed taking a deep breathe to calm myself down.

“I’m taking my boys! You will never see them again as long as I’m here! You’ll regret this believe that.” She said storming out of the living room and to the boys room.

“I’m not going to fight you physically, I’ll see you in court. My boys aren’t going anywhere with you tonight though, you don’t even know where you’re going. Have fun.” I said as I stood in front of their door.

“This not the last time you’ll see me Bryson.” With that she left. I slightly felt relieved. I finally ended this the right way. My boys will remain with me.

For Alyssa I’m going to be completely free, a legally single man.