Chapter 35


“Baby girl”

Lips touched my forehead waking me up “come on my gorgeous beauty, I believe it is time to wake up”

I smiled opening my eyes, Niklaus sitting on the edge of the bed beside me. His arms either side of my head as his lips kissed my forehead, cheeks, nose, and when he saw me opening my eyes, my lips. I smiled into the kiss, kissing him back and Niklaus chuckled slowly sliding his arms under my shoulders and wrapping his arms around me pulling me up to him before putting me to lay back down to lay comfortably on the pillow.

“Good morning” I said smiling. Niklaus rested his forehead against my own and smiled at me, both our breaths mixing. Niklaus kept his arms either side of my head, holding himself up as he looked at me, my green eyes melting in his gorgeous blue ones making me love him more with every passing day.