Broken Hearts

Katelyn's world crumbled around her the day John left. Her will to live soon followed. She'd sleep most of the day, only getting up long enough to use the restroom and get a sip of water. If Madeline is lucky and very persistent, she might be able to convince Katelyn to eat a couple of bites. More times than not, the plates are shoved away.

"Get that crap out of here, Mom," Katelyn screams, plopping down on the bed.

"You need to eat a little something, Honey."

"Why should I? I don't have a reason to live now that John is gone."

"He'll be back."

"It's been a month, Mom, a stinking month. He promised he'd be back, he promised me, he promised," she sobs, throwing the covers over her head.

"Starving yourself is not going to bring him back any faster."

Katelyn moves the covers away from her face. "He's not coming back for me, Mom, he's not, he's not. He's probably glad he got away when he did." She'd abandoned all hope that he'll return weeks ago.

"You know better than that, Katelyn."

"Do I, Mom, do I really? Look at me. Just look at me. Who'd want to put up with this?"

"You're a beautiful young woman with a heart of gold and a lot to give."

"No, I'm a mental case that no one will ever love. Why was I even born, Mother why? She bawls.

"It'll be alright, honey. I promise everything will be alright."

"How will it ever be alright again?"


Madeline is scraping off the untouched food in the trash as their last argument replays in her mind.

She can't go on like this, she just can't, but I don't know what else to do. She's already called Katelyn's doctor for advice.


"According to the law, she has the right to refuse."

"So she can starve herself to death, and we can't do anything about it?" Madeline questions, pacing back and forth across the room.

"We can only intervene if she becomes a threat to herself or others."

"Well, I'm not going to sit idly by and watch her waste away. I can't, Liz, I just can't."

"Forcing her to do anything against her will is illegal," the doctor warns.

"What about slipping medicine in her water?"

"Not only is that dangerous, but it's illegal, and you can face some serious consequences if anyone finds out."


Madeline decides that any legal problem she may encounter will be worth it if it'll save her daughter's life.

Hearing her door open, Madeline grabs a fresh plate of food from the fridge. I have to get in there before Katelyn does. She hurries down the hall, trying not to spill.

Situating herself on the bed, she waits for the fireworks to begin. Katelyn's been in a volatile mood all day, so she can only assume this won't turn out well. I have to do this for Katelyn's sake. The door opens. Ready or not, here we go.

Katelyn sees her mom on the bed when she steps into her room. "I've already told you I'm not going to eat, so you might as well go."

"Well, you're not going to lie in this bed and starve yourself to death if I can help it."

"Why do you suddenly care about my well-being?"

"I've always cared about you, Katelyn."

"Is that why you're so eager to get me out of the house?" she asks, crossing her arms in front of her.

"What makes you think that?"

"I overheard you and dad talking in his study."

"I don't know what you think you heard, but I don't want you to leave. In fact, I'd be thrilled if you decided to stay with me the rest of your life."

"Well, I'm still not eating." She tries to climb in bed, Madeline moves over. She tries the other side; Madeline lies down.

"I'm not moving until you take a few bites.."

Katelyn tries to crawl in beside her, Madeline stretches across the bed.

"I'll stay here all night if I have to," she says, spreading out farther.

Realizing she's out of options, Katelyn gives in. "Fine, I'll take a bite." Grabbing the fork off the desk, she shoves a morsel of food in her mouth. "Are you happy, now?" she asks, clanking the silverware against the plate.

"Take two more bites, and then I'll go."

Grabbing the utensil, she scoops a few bites in her mouth.

"One more," Madeline coaxes.

"That was two, Mom."

"It won't hurt you to eat one more, will it?"

Katelyn picks up the fork again. "Fine, one more, but that's it." Shoveling another bite in her mouth, she turns towards the bed.

"Now go," Katelyn grumbles through a mouthful of food.

"Thank you."

"Whatever." Grabbing a pillow, she throws it over her head.

"Sweet dreams, my love." I think you got most of your medicines, Madeline concludes, walking down the steps. Madeline continued similar antics three times a day for the better part of a week.


Madeline is tidying the kitchen when Katelyn steps into the room.

"Good morning, Mom."

"Well, good morning. I was just about to bring you some breakfast."

"I'd rather eat it right here if you don't mind."

"Not at all."

Katelyn sits down at the table. "It looks delicious tastes scrumptious too."

"Enjoy." Madeline smiles. "You look nice today "Are you going somewhere special?"

"I'm going to look for a job."

"You are?" she questions, surprised by the change in behavior.

"I figure I should start supporting myself again." She glances at her watch. "I better go." Taking a sip of coffee, she rushes out the door.

"Good luck, sweetheart," Madeline yells.

"Thanks, Mom."

She was finishing Katelyn's dishes when Stan walks into the room.

"Why's Katie in such a hurry?"

"That wasn't Katie; that was Katelyn. She's going to look for a job."

"It's about time she got pulled her weight around here."

According to Stan, Katie can do no wrong, whereas Katelyn couldn't do anything right. He'd praise Katie while pushing Katelyn to the side, which caused a lot of conflict between the girls.


Katelyn is reminded of John everywhere she looks. To make matters worse, the voices in her head have tormented her all day.

"You might as well give up, Katelyn," her voice whispers again. Ignoring the disturbance, she steps into the business.

"Can I help you?" stuffy older gentleman questions as she steps up to the counter.

"Yes, I'd like to apply for your sales job, please."

"I'm sorry, miss, but that position has already been filled."

"No, it hasn't. He's just telling you that because he doesn't want to hire a mental case like you." The voice laughs.

"Do you have any job openings?" Katelyn asks.


"That was our last position."

"Liar, liar, pants on fire," the voices begin to chant. Shut up already.

"Thank you." She's almost to the door when she hears the manager reply: "Fill out this application, and then we'll set a time for your interview."

Katelyn spins around to find he's talking to a thin, busty blonde. She's wearing a short skimpy dress that leaves little to the imagination. Stepping up to the counter, Katelyn pushes the bimbo aside. "You want to see boobs, is that it?" Lifting her shirt and bra, she continues. "I have just as much as she does. The only mine is real. Here, feel for yourself." She grabs his hand and places it on her breast.

He pulls away. Regaining his composure, he says, "Get this...this woman out of my sight." He tosses his nose in the air.

Grabbing her arms, the officers lead her towards the back.

"Let go of me," she protests as she's being escorted across the store.

"Don't ever come in here again," the officer warns, shoving her out the door.

Regaining her balance, she spins around. "F you and your damn job," she yells.

"You don't want to work for him, anyhow," a deep sultry voice says.

She sees a tall, strapping Latino man leaning against his motorcycle. His long black hair; is as dark as a starless night. His alluring brown eyes, with their lustful gaze, make her quiver. The white T-shirt stretched tightly across his chest makes her weak in the knees.

"He's a real asshole. He canned my sister last week for being a few minutes late." Seeing her start to tear up, he pulls her against him. "There will be other opportunities, I promise."

Her heart melts when he wraps his arms around her. "He was the last on my list." She bawls.

"There's always tomorrow."

She glares at the building. "I don't want to go through all of this again."

"You've had that bad of a day, huh?"

Katelyn shakes her head. It's been the worst day ever."

"I think you need a little pick me up."

She pulls away. "I don't do drugs," When John found out she was self-medicating, he came unglued; said he'd leave if she did it again.

"It'll make you feel a hundred percent better.."

I did like the feel. Besides, John's not around anymore. "I guess once won't hurt."