One Step Forward

Katelyn is sobbing on the bus bench when she hears footsteps walking towards her. Thinking it's the cops, she springs to her feet. "I'm just about to..." Realizing it's an old friend from her partying days, she stops.

"I heard what you said in there, and I think I can help."

"I'm not hooking for you, Carlos. I told you that years ago." Pulling a thin jacket around herself, she takes a step back.

"No, no, it's nothing like that." A smile lazily forms on his thin, tan face. "But now that you mention it." He reaches over and strokes the side of her face.

She slaps his hand away. "Touch me again, and you'll pull back a nub."

"Spunky as ever I see." He laughs.

"So, what's your brilliant idea?"

"I have new products coming in. An upgrade from the last batch. So I need to get rid of the old shit make room for the new." Seeing her hesitate, he adds, "I'll even split the take with you fifty, fifty."

"You're willing to give me half?"

"It's the least I can do for an old friend."

"I don't know, about this Carlos. I'm trying to do things right. Go straight this time."

He shrugs. "Thought I'd offer. See you around I guess."

All the hell she's had to endure the past few weeks comes to mind. "Carlos, wait."

He spins around. "Yeah?"

"This is only temporary until I find something else, alright?"

"The job is yours for as long as long as you want. Meet me at the park in an hour, and I'll explain it all to you then."


Madeline is putting the bacon on Stan's plate when he stomps into the room. It's one fight after another with him. They'd just fought about her taking too long in the bathroom. Stan claimed her war paint doesn't help a bit, so why try? Handing him a plate, she says, "Fresh orange juice and coffee are on the table."

Nodding, he says, "I've trained you well."

You only think I'v been trained. She glances at the brown glass bottle and smiles.

Taking a sip of the steamy brew, Stan asks, "Are you going to paint today?"


I was planning to. Why?"

"I better not smell paint when I get home."

"I didn't realize it bothers you."

"It does. Besides, you're too old to start something new."

"Grandma Moses didn't become famous until she was 78."

He glances into the other room, waves his hand around, and says, "You're clearly not Grandma Moses."

"I'll get better with time."

"You better do it fast because you don't have a lot left."

"I'm not ancient, Stan."

"Your not a spring chicken either. I don't want to smell paint when I get home, understand?" He shuffles towards the door.

"Aren't you going to eat your breakfast?"

He tosses his plate on the counter. "I'll eat at my office where I can have an intelligent conversation with someone who doesn't look like death warmed over."

Madeline tosses the dishes in the sink, thinking about what Stan had said. "Who does he think he is? Talking to me like that. Like I'm a brainless twit? Telling me I can't hold an intelligent conversation. I'm the one who had a 4.0 average throughout grammar school and in college too. Past events come to mind. I had a bright future ahead of me, but I gave it all up to please him. Be the wife and mother he and his mother expected me to be. Then he has the nerve to treat me this way. Making me feel like I'm a burden, someone he's forced to put up with, support." She suddenly recalls Stan claiming her medical bills wiped out his 401 K. She wipes her face again. "He could've retired a happy man now he has to work another 20 years to build it back again. She glances into the adjoining room. "Who was I kidding thinking I have talent. My daughters pained better pictures in preschool. Her Mother's harsh criticism repays in her head. She's right, I'm a nothing, a nobody. That's all I've ever been, and that's all I'll ever be." she sobs, plopping down in her chair. "Why am I here, Lord, why? To make everyone miserable?" she sobs.

Hearing a tap on the door, she glances up to find her friend Marge on their porch. "I can'"t let her see me this way. Wiping her tear-streaked face with her apron tail, she heads towards the door. Her father's famous saying comes to mind.

"Suck it up, buttercup," he'd say, moving his hot naked body out from under her Mini Mouse printed sheets.

Taking a big gulp of courage, she pastes a fake smile on her face. "It's so nice of you to stop by," she bravely says, swinging the door open. Stan's hurtful words echos in her head, She cries again.

"What is it, honey?"

"It's Stan." She sobs, falling into her friend's arms.

Furry surges through every cell in Marge's body. Through clenched teeth, she says, "I warned him what would happen if he laid hands on you again."

"He...He didn't touch me. It's what he said. that has me so upset."

Marge pushes her friend arm's length away. "What did he say?

"He said I should stop wasting my time painting. That I should get a job and earn my keep around here."

"Earn your keep? You work a lot harder on this house than he does his job."

Madeline glances around the immaculate room. "I could do more." She sniffles.

"You do plenty. Besides, you're not wasting your time with your art, and I'll prove it."

"Madeline wipes her face, sniffles, and asks. "H... How?"

"We're going to sell your paintings at the festival."

"I...I don't have a booth."

"You can have mine."

"Are you sure?



"You did really well today, Katelyn, sold double what Jimmy did." Handing her a wad of cash, Carlos continues. "I have a young couple who is willing to rent you a room for a hundred bucks a month if you're interested."

"I won't have to do anything extra the way I do at the halfway house, will I?"

"I doubt either of them are into that. Me, on the other hand." He reaches for her.

She grabs his wrist. "Touch me again, and you'll be swimming with the fish."

Chuckling, he brings his hand to his side. "You're going to say yes to me one of these days."

Not even if you were the last man on earth."

So do you want to see it?" Noticing her evil glare, he explains, "The room, I mean."

"Lead the way."

The two pull up to a beautiful Victorian a few minutes later.

"Their house is gorgeous."

"Keep working for me, and you'll be able to afford a fancy crib too."

"He works for you?"

"He makes sure everything seems legit. You'll love his wife, Mariela. She's a real sweetheart."

Hearing someone yelling, They turn to find a tall, thin man dashing through his yard. A petite Italian lady is yelling at him from the porch. Her hands are going ninety to nothing as she talks.

"Well, most of the time." He laughs.

Noticing his boss's car, Felice runs over to it. "Hi, Carlos," he says, taking a quick peek at the house. His wife is still yelling at the top of her lungs.

"What's going on?" Carlos asks.

"Mariela is mad because I forgot to pick up the groceries. I'll be right back."

"Maybe we should come back when things calm down," Katelyn suggests.

Na, you're fine." " Carlos climbs out of his car. His passenger hesitantly follows.

"You must be Katelyn," Mariela puts her arm around the girl's shoulders and guides her to the house.


"I can't believe I sold all of my pictures, Madeline exclaims as she and Marge head towards the car.

"Your paintings are beautiful, hon. I say this calls for a celebration."

Madeline glances at her watch. "I can't, Marge. I need to tidy a few things and get Stan's dinner on."

"You'll be home in plenty of time to make asshole's supper, I promise." Her face lights up. I know the perfect place.

Smiling, she makes a hard right.

"Where are we going?"

"A day spa, my treat."


"Do you think you'll like living there?" Carlo asks, pulling up to the halfway house.

"I know I will." Quickly scanning the building, she turns around and asks., "Do you think I should tell him that I'm leaving?"

"I'd pack up and go. Otherwise, you'll end up in his dungeon again."

"I hope I can sneak by."

"I've got it all worked out."

"What are you going to do?"

Gina is going to distract him while you grab your things."

"Do you think it'll work?"

"Gina will have him so hot he won't know what to do with himself. " Glancing out the window, he smiles and says, "Here she comes now."

She turns to find an attractive blond walking towards the building. She's wearing a tight, skimpy ensemble that accentuates her slim, busty figure nicely. "Horney ass will definitely want to hit that." She turns to find a strange look on Carlos' face. "Don't worry. I'm straight."

"It's none of my business which way you swing. Although, that would explain a lot."

"Just because I don't find you irresistible doesn't mean I'm gay."

He grabs his package. "You couldn't handle me anyway."

She rolls her eyes. "Men."

"Ok, go."

"Are you sure?"

"Go, go."

Katelyn is busy tossing her belongings into a duffle bag when she hears someone say:

"This is a raid."

She then hears heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. I've got to get out of here. She runs to the window to find the barrier wouldn't budge. Maybe it's locked She'reaching for the latch, when a deep voice says,

"Freeze, police."