Chapter 3.1: "Some freaking balls are meant to be kicked"

"Aw! Aw! Shit! Be gentle with me lil sis! It freaking hurts you know!" He whined as I pressed the cotton ball soaked in betadine harder on the bruise of his unpleasantly handsome face. And because he's slightly sober now after he took a quick bath and drink coffee with medicine, I will make sure to remind him about his foolishness at the bar earlier.

"Sorry but you've got to bear with it, brother! You had the guts to drink a dam of alcohol and shamelessly fight with anyone you came across with, but then you'll protest to me that it hurts this much? You're such a loony, aren't you?" I berated annoyingly in response. He pouted at me while one of his hands is holding the cold compress that was applied to his swollen cheek. "You should have at least be grateful that the only punishment you got from me is a series of sermons and smacks! Because if I lose it, I will feed you to Uncle Slythe's crocodile pets!"

"Tch fine, fine! I won't complain now. Thank you so much," he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and put more pressure on his wound which made him groan painfully again. He's like a five-year-old child in the way he looks now but I don't give a damn about that, my aggravation takes over my sympathy for his condition. He is to blame for everything that miserably happened an hour ago.

Speaking of, the embarrassing scenario which occured earlier at the bar immediately flashbacked to my mind the moment I recall about it. And believe me, that was the most shameful moment of my life today.


"Y-YOU?!?" we both shouted in unison while pointing out each other between a stupefying silence surrounding us. This is unbelievable. Doesn't matter what kind of appearance he is displaying now but I am certain that he is the same guy who humiliated me back at school yesterday. That horrible, boorish monster!

"Wait, you guys knew each other?" my brother innocently interrupted us as me and the jerk exchanged sharp glares against each other. But, instead of explaining things to him which will probably complicate the situation even more, I turned to Lupert who was standing next to me and gave him an order.

"Please take kuya Matt to the car outside. I will handle this real quick."

"But Young miss, what about you?"

"I'll catch up to you guys later. Don't worry Lu."

He nodded before he approached the subject and put his right arm across his shoulder to take him out while the bodyguards who escorted us in followed the two of them. Kuya Matt shouted my name a few times but I didn't look back at him and just focused my attention towards this animalistic weirdo who's smirking in front of me. I'm gonna make sure that he will never get away from this, not like the last time.

This means war.

"The world is such a small place, isn't she? Who would have thought I'd be seeing you here and to think that you and that bastard are actually siblings?" he stroked his chin before crossing his arms while laughing as if he had grown an acorn inside his brain. "No wonder that guy is stupid. It must have been because both of you share the same blood running through your veins."

"Hey, you don't say those nasty things against me and my brother, you cynical dork! He wouldn't fight you unless you're being an asshole!"

"Don't be ridiculous. How come that his foolishness was my fault?" A sinister grin crept to his face as he shook his head in disbelief. "Allow me to enlighten your little mind you stunt, it is your brother who came up to my face first and just punched me for no reason at all. If there's an 'asshole' among the two of us, then that's certainly him and no other. His face alone looks like a crappy butt of a horse. Pssh!"

"Oh yeah? Well, I think it's better that way at least, compare to you who is a freaking man-slut! You act more like an asshole because you're hitting on someone's girlfriend! You're a flirt!" His eyes widened as I yelled at him. He seems surprised by what he heard but I freaking don't care about that.

"Ha! What did you say? Me? A flirt?" He laughed again as he pointed himself. "Damn, what do you know about my life, huh?"

"Nothing, but I don't think it's necessary to know you even more because if we base on your actions alone, I can sense already how bad are you as a disgusting creature! Just what do you think about yourself after you made fun of me at school, huh? Do you think that's funny? Are you happy with what you did? Because if it's a yes, then you just proved what kind of a monster you truly are!"

"You sure had a thick face for criticizing me impulsively. Who the hell are you to interfere with my businesses anyway? You're supposed to kept your nose out of things but you're such a meddler when you shouldn't be!" he yelled back. "Is this what rich people do for a living? Had loads of money but begs for a fucking attention? Publicly proclaiming that they're good but actually had some evil intentions up in their sleeves?"

Now he's hitting me below the belt. It got me fuming mad that I slapped him very hard before I could even realize what I just did. Fortunately, there are only a few people around so no one is watching us.

"YOU. HAVE. NO. SHAME." I said in an aggressive manner. His eyes began to blaze when he looked back at me as he held his cheek.

We remained silent for a few seconds. I thought that he had no intention of speaking anymore, so I turned around and walked away. However, just as when I was on my second step forward, he suddenly pulled me by the arm and pressed me against the wall. I squealed momentarily after my back hit the cold texture of the wood.

Fear was the first thing that enveloped my system as I watched his aura darken in anger. He's inches away from me and it seems like I was about to be eaten by this monster's unquenchable rage any minute now.

"Maou! Stop!"

If it wasn't because of those two words, his fist would have landed on my face instead of the wall just right on the side of my head. Due to its strong impact, it caused a loud cracking sound on the wall. I slowly looked at his fist and saw his knuckles bleeding.

"Dude, please don't do that. She's a girl." I was brought back to my senses when three familiar guys pulled him away from me. They are also those guys I saw playing earlier on the small stage in a corner somewhere here on the second floor. I looked around and noticed that there's plenty of people crowding us.

When I turned back at the monster, my knees wobbled a bit after noticing that he's still not removing his glaring eyes at my direction even though his friends were trying to calm him by talking to him.

"Are you okay Miss?" The redhead approached me with a worried look painted on his face. I nodded as I pursed my trembling lips. When the rest of Maou's companions finally dragged him away from our sight, I sighed in relief.

"Geez, that was a close call. I feel like I'm going to die sooner," I said and placed my right hand on my chest.

"I hope you could forgive our friend for almost inflicting violence to you before we came, he's just a little bit misunderstood. But don't worry, he's actually kind regardless of his sociopathy," he apologetically explained. Is he kidding me? That monster, kind? I don't think those words fit in together. "Anyway, what just happened? Why are you fighting?"

"Ah eh, because..." I began disclosing every single detail to him. I started in the part when he and Kuya Matt got into a fist fight because he allegedly steal my brother's girlfriend or whatsoever.

Yet, it was as if some icy water got poured down on my body the moment I heard what he said to me next.

"Not sure about that 'cause as far as I know that's not possibly accurate. My friend doesn't really have a girlfriend or even a fling. And about Chlogna? Well she's just a friend. And I guess she's not your brother's girlfriend either, due to the reason that she's not into dating. In fact, she is quite a misandrist."


After that eye-opening revelation, I finally realized something: that I wanna bury myself alive six feet below the ground.

"Lil sis? Are you oka—OUCH! STOP THAT LIL SIS! OUCH!" He shrilled in pain again when out of the sudden, I pulled his hair as if it's the last thing on Earth that I would probably do. No kidding, I am literally pulling his hair to the level that even his dandruff and scalp will also get peeled off from his stupid head.

"You are the worst, Kuya! I hate you so much! If you weren't just a big idiot perhaps I wouldn't look like a fool this evening! Did you know that because of your freaking lies I was freaking humiliated again? Prepare yourself!" I let go of his hair before I took a small scalpel from the medicine kit and pointed it directly to his chest. He immediate got up out of reflex and stepped backwards when he figured out what I was planning to do next. I noticed how his Adam's apple rises and falls which clearly shows that he's swallowing his saliva out of fear.

That's it. Swallow my rage.

"H-H-Hermana? Hehehe, w-what is that for?" he asked, stuttering.

"Do you still have to ask for that? I'm obviously gonna purge you right here, right now my dear brother," I answered boldly and walked closer to him with a blank expression on my face.

"Lil sis, j-just calm down, I know you don't want to do that. I swear to God that yours truly will behave now, h-he will no longer be a naughty big brother!"

"It's too late for that bro, too late. My sane self is already dead. You killed her! So you will fall on the same fate next to her!"

"S-Sis, i-it's bad to murder okay? A-Aren't you a good girl? Remember God's commandment? If you kill me, the race of the handsome guys will finally extinct because I am the last one of my kind. So please, spare my life sister!"

"NO! I WON'T! I WILL NEVER LISTEN TO YOU AGAIN! NOW FACE YOUR DOOM!" I screamed out loud as I stabbed him to death. I laughed boisterously afterwards like an insane asylum woman.

But that's just a joke of course, although it almost happened. It's a pity.

He better be thankful that my big sister, Ate Monice, just got home from her midnight flight in Paris and drag Lupert as well as her own personal assistant Eric inside my sleeping chamber in order to stop me from my murder attempt against her twin. Although he managed to get away from the brink of death in my hands, he isn't spared from our sister's iconic, roundhouse kicks and endless punches for the idiocy that he did after I reported the whole thing to Ate Monice. It didn't even surprised me that she beat his ass probably ten times more than he could ever get from anybody before he went to bed peacefully tonight.

The week ended before I knew it and now it's Monday again. However, despite of the odds I still couldn't forget about what happened last Saturday night. Maybe because I am still ashamed while at the same time, I felt like I wronged a wrong person. And what's even worse is that I went overboard a little with those insults that I told him.

Yes, I admit that I still couldn't get that monster's bad and violent nature out of my system, but every time we have an encounter, it always leads to the realization that I am always standing on the wrong edge — when he's supposed to be the antagonist of the story. I noticed that later these days, my actions are a bit rushed and I wasn't thinking with what I'm doing or even saying, which I shouldn't have done in the first place. I am known as a smart and mature person who makes wise decisions but from this experience, my Intelligence Quotient seems to have depleted even more than an uneducated person.

I massaged my temples stressfully. Now, how am I gonna compensate for the silly things I've done?

"Aw!" I groaned when I bumped into another girl carrying a lot of books in her hands. I bend my knees over the floor and helped her pick up the books I just knocked over unknowingly.

"Uh miss, I'm really sorry. I swear I didn't mean to! I was too engrossed on what I am reading so I didn't notice that I would accidentally hit you."

"No, it's okay, I should be the one to apologize instead. My mind is floating somewhere else rather than focusing on the way so I didn't see you coming either."

"Is that so? What are you thinking then? Are you currently in love?" I blinked several times as I stated at her in awe. Of all the people I bumped into or met here in the hallway, she is the one who dared to talk to me without stuttering or bowing her head. This is... a first.

"Hey? Why are you silent? Did I say something accurate?" she waved her hands before my face. "Ayieee! I knew it! Who's the lucky guy then?"

"Ah, eh ..."

"I, O, U! Yes girl, don't start me with the vowel sounds 'cause I mastered English alphabet since grade one! Wait, am I being rude? 'cause I think I'm being rude. We just barely met but I'm already prying about your lovelife without introducing myself first. My apologies." She slightly bowed her head before offering her hands to me. "By the way, I am Aljannie Nadia Cordova. 17 years of age, and proudly representing the 7,641 beautiful islands of the Philippines! Charurot!" My mouth agape as a reaction. What?

"Uh, so in other case mine is —"

"My nickname's Jannie but my parents and childhood friend call me Nadia. I'm a naughty girl, extremely chatty, I love to eat, and I'm also addicted to books especially erotica genres. When it comes to my relationship status, well I'm proud to say that I'm currently in a polyamorous marriage and all of my husbandos are fictional characters. In fact, I am already pregnant with our thirtieth children. Cool right? But if you are wondering why my tummy doesn't seem to have a lump, well wonder no more 'cause my babies are also fictional characters. Hehehe."

"Ahh, o-okay—"

"Do you think I'm stupid? I can't blame you for that. With as many men in this world, I still chose to be with those people who doesn't even exist in real life. The thing is, I apparently have high standards for a man to become my partner in life. Only my current husbands passed my taste so that's it. And I know you know that I was too young to get pregnant with 30 children, but what else can I do? My hubbies are too possessive while I have a very weak spot for them. They can easily spread my legs even through their simple plead. So, the sperm cells enter me successfully."

"Ah, what the—"

"Nah I'm just kidding! Sorry about my wordings, they can be a bit vulgar oftentimes. But soon when you also get married like me, you will be exposed to those things which will make you understand what I'm talking about. For now girl, I recommend you to abstain and prevent your sexual urges as much as you should if you do not want to ruin your future. By the way, what is your name?" She asked as she smiled broadly. I raised an eyebrow at him.

She is the most, bloody weird person I've ever met in my entire life.

We were both startled as we heard the bell ringing which signals the start of the first period. We looked at each other again because of that intervention.

"Oh my butterflies! It's the bell! And I still haven't found where my classroom is!" She began panicking in front of me. I can't help but gawked at her in confusion. What did she mean by that? Did she just entered school today?

"D-Do you want me to help you find it?" I initially volunteered without even thinking.

"Huh? Really? You'll do that for me? That's nice, but there's no need for that girl. I don't want you getting late on your first class this morning. Thank you but I can do it myself," she replied while flexing her arm. "Alright! I got to go now! I'll see you this lunch break. We'll chatter later, okay?"


"Good. Bye-bye!" She kissed me on both sides of my face before walking away while waving at me. My mouth popped open because of her sudden gesture to me. "See you soon, bestie! Bye!"

"B-Bye too, J-Jannie..." I waved back even though I almost got completely dumbfounded by our unexpected encounter. The progress of the events never crossed my mind. I still couldn't even process each moment of it. Am I still dreaming or did she really just talked to me and befriended me out of the sudden?

And what did she just called me again? Bestie? Isn't that what people call to their friends?

Does that mean we're friends already? In that instant?