Chapter 12

We were talking to each other when something came into my mind. I want to ask him about it but I am somehow shy to ask it.

“Just ask me what you want to ask.” He suddenly said, is he reading my mind?

“I’m not reading your mind. Your face says it all.” He said chuckling, oh gosh what kind of impression did I do?

“I’m just curious… Why did you decide to talk to me?” I ask him shyly. I’m so shy to ask him this kind of things and I don’t even know why.

“Well… You know someone triggered me and that's the reason why I chatted you." I got shocked at what he said, someone triggered him?

“What do you mean?” I asked, now I’m super curious about this.

“One of my friends likes you. And I’ve been liking you for a while now and then he told me that he also likes you. I don’t know what got into me but I feel like I don’t want him to be yours.” He said, wow he is honest huh.