guilty pleasure
I get up from my chair, stretching slightly, and tilt my head to the side.
- I want to have fun and enjoy my youth.
Mr. Ackermann's fingers pat the end of his table, waiting for me to argue my point, not without keeping a straight face.
- Or is it wrong to want to satisfy your carnal desires with others? Our body is created to procreate.
I smile slightly and slowly walk around the desk, not cutting off contact with the man's green eyes.
- To be honest, you disappoint me a bit. I was expecting something when you brought me to your office.
- It doesn't occur to you that I'm tired of a trip.
When Mr. Ackermann lost all polite phrases, I knew we were finally going to have fun. I give him a smirk, which I exercise wonderfully with him. His long fingers are tapping the end of the table faster when I get in front of him.
- Since when is being tired an excuse?
My sentence with double connotations, makes him sigh briefly before turning his chair in front of me. With a quick helping hand, he lifts the hem of his large opaque black jacket, revealing his jeans of the same color.
- Be silent while I work.
Mr Ackermann orders me, picking up a file from the table to read. I lift my white robe slightly and land on my knees in front of him, not without letting out a weary sigh. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but I don't dare argue with him. Because it could be double-edged, either he gives in to my whim, or he kicks me out of his office.
- How was your vacation in Italy?
I ask him, bringing me closer to his thighs slightly apart, then place my fingers on the buttons of his jeans.
- Horrifying.
He mumbles quietly, running a hand through his black hair, letting a few strands fall over his cold forehead and eyes. I open her jeans, revealing her crumpled gray underwear. I breathe my lips on it, pulling on the edges of the jeans to open them more.
- If you're not into this, I won't force it., I mumble, pulling away from him.
Mr. Ackermann's green eyes drift towards my face, raising his eyebrows slightly.
- Are you trying a new technique to make me feel sorry for you?
His deep and cold voice makes me shiver and a sweet heat slips into my lower abdomen. And its darkening green irises, destabilize me as always.
- Maybe it works?
My lips give him an innocent little smile, and his big strong hand grabs me by the hair. He forced me to bring my face closer to his privacy, which I saw on the corner of my gaze, his member swelling.
- Be a nice girl and I would lie to the superior lady Anne-Catherine for your punishment.
He put his file down on the table, and brought his second hand to my lips. I half-opened them so he could run his index and middle fingers through my mouth, letting my tongue lick them greedily.
- Always so docile.
Mister Ackermann told me, releasing my hair, leaving his hand on my head. He pulls his fingers out of my mouth, along with a drizzle of saliva, and he returns his eyes to his file, after cleaning his hand.
- You are so cruel Mr. Ackermann.
My voice breaks in a hiss, and I focus on my task. I replace myself in front of her thighs, and gently pull on the elastic of her underwear. The massive, partially hardened member of my instant lover comes to me. As I bring my face closer to his erection, the familiar faint scent of lavender is felt, from his recent shower. My fingers grab the bottom of his member and I place several wet kisses on his tip.
This situation seems completely surreal, yet it is real. A young girl, just of age, gives sexual pleasure to an owner, in a reformatory for young juvenile delinquents. But make no mistake, the situation was not so trivial. In other circumstances, the context would not be dramatic. The point that makes this act immoral is the presence of laws.
Everyone would be outraged and even outraged at my act, but if it was under other conditions, no one would say anything. But society is poorly made, in the presence of education everything is unhealthy. Then, in my eyes, I didn't do anything wrong. The man in front of me. He is a human being, physically very desirable. That he is as corrupt as to the marrow.
Back to the present, I am now in front of the office door, getting ready to go outside. Several long minutes passed, after having committed a sin of the flesh. Mr. Ackermann has not left his office, and is still working on his documents. He warned me that my punishment would be removed, I now had to leave with my spots.
- What am I telling the Lady Superior this time?
I turn slightly, my hand on the doorknob.
- You cleaned my office.
My lover answers me briefly, without taking his eyes off his file. I glance at my reflection in one of the display cases by the door, checking to see if my face is correct.
- To clean an already impeccable office, a funny punishment.
I reply as I leave the room, and close the door behind me. My hands slide the top of my long gray dress, along with my simple white shoes. I start to walk down the long hallway into the dormitory.
- Always so nice…, I mumble in a low voice.
I change quickly, to approach a t-shirt and simple gray shorts. Then left in the direction of the garden. I wander through several corridors that look the same and arrive 5 minutes later at my destination. My female roommates listened intently, a woman talking to them. I slip into the group, at the back, alongside Maddi and Mina.
- So, how was it? Mina asks, nudging me lightly.