
surprise chat

A bell rings when I push open the front door of the store. An old salesman was seated on a stool behind his till, and a customer was strolling towards the library. I greet the seller politely, then walk between the shelves of the small store. It was a bookstore, which sold all kinds of written things. There was obviously a mountain of books for sale, but not only. In a corner of his shop, in a department, various sheets and blank books are available, accompanied by ink pens, and even two typewriters. One of them catches my eye. I decide to approach it and inspect it more closely.

- Are you interested in this old machine? , asks the stony voice of the salesman from the cash register.

- Yes, how much do you sell it ?, I answer him by not finding the price.

- It's old and used, but it's a collection. His iron will be £ 200.