cloudy moment
Mr. Ackermann, looks at me with intensity and coldness. I could feel all of his judgment of me. My sweaty hands crumple the edges of the straps of my bag, which I try to hold against me.
- Come to my office right away.
The man orders me, turning around and walking vigorously in the hallway, opposite.
- I did nothing wrong.
I hasten to say it out loud, so he can hear me. He finally stopped, and looked at me with a glance, before pointing to my typewriter.
- You follow me immediately or this object ends up in the public dumpster.
With this sentence devoid of feeling, he left. Leaving me in the queue for Dame Anne-Catherine's office.
- What are you waiting for? , asks Fanny with an execrable voice.
I give him as cold a look as I can, then retrieve my typewriter from the floor, slowly walking up to the headmaster's office.