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After my evaluation, I was able to tell my friends the good news. Maddi was very happy for me, she congratulated me as it should. Just like Mina, who has not lost her sensitivity to cry with joy and sadness. She, who had just passed the assessment before me, I already knew. That she had unfortunately not succeeded.
In itself, Mina already knew what it was going to be, the sadness did not come from her failure. It was when I learned in the late afternoon that Maddi had also passed the test, that I understood his pain. With the Scottish girl, we made a commitment to check in regularly with MIna, and to visit her together when possible.
Maddi and I can visit each other. Despite the distance, because we live far from each other. As for the rest, the Ladies are not in the mood, except Dame-Louise. They all wish me, in turn, a good rehabilitation in working life.