
"No! Mom please, don't go! I can't do this without you! We can find a way, please, just don't do this!" I say to my mother just before the Duskwalkers agree on the decision to execute my mother, in turn saving my life and the pack's legacy. "Aria, there's nothing we can do. She's doing what is right." My best friend, Bransen says to me, practically bursting into tears. "In order to save your kin, you do realize you have to sacrifice yourself? Are you really willing to do such a pathetic thing?" Bradley, the Duskwalker coven's leader laughs out. "Anything, Bradley. Spare their lives." Mother chokes out. For a few seconds, Bradley communicates with the coven and finally lets out "So be it. Kill the leader."

My emotions get the better of me and I start sobbing. "Please don't let my daughter see this Bradley. She would be scarred for life." Mother yells. "You had your last demand already. She needs to learn to fear us Jessica. Jason, do it." Jason smiles as he picks up his scimitar, readying it to slice Mother's head clean off. "Please, I beg of you!" Bradley nods to Jason, and Jason's scimitar hacks Mother's body to smithereens. "No!" I let out a cross between a howl and a scream out. "Don't forget this Aria. You'll never kill me." Bradley chuckled.

I wake up with a jump and a thud, I had fallen on the floor. I have this reoccurring dream, well, memory for months now. Which means that this had happened when I was just a cub. I bet you're asking, "Cub, howl, and pack?" If you haven't realized, we are werewolves. Long ago, our pack leader, Jessica Fisco died from beheading by our sworn enemies for decades, "The Vampires aka Duskwalkers." And no, these Duskwalkers do not fall in love or sparkle! They have red eyes, fangs and they hunt humans for whatever power they get. They attack at dusk and they are so powerful that dozens of humans can only defeat one of them. I'm sitting in my room, face planted on the floor with antagonizing pain. "Aria! Come downstairs, time to have breakfast!" Father hollers from downstairs. "Coming!"

I pick myself off of the floor and swung down the flight of stairs; plopping on the chair in the kitchen. "Ah, there you are hon. Today's the day, being a spokesperson for a class is a big deal. Are you ok to do this A?" Father asks me with concern. "Yes Dad, I'll be fine. It's like doing a school presentation for English class. Besides, kids need to know their pack's history right? I'll be doing them a favour." I explain. "Well alright." I get up and walk up the stairs, "Where are you going?" I roll my eyes and say "Getting presentable. Not going to do it in my PJ's." I zoom to my room and put on my uniform which consisted of white leather body suit with metal leaves on the shin pads, chest, shoulders and around the wrists. I grab my lunch and headed outside.

My name is Aria Fisco and this is the story that changed history.