Rescue Mission

"RING!" The alarm clock screams next to my bed, stirring and moaning in fatigue, I sit up and stretch my arms. "Morning Dad!" I yell downstairs, but silence answers me. My face droops, 'right... he isn't here.' I get up and glance at my phone messages while turning off the snooze on the alarm, 20 messages from Lex and Logan, one of them caught my attention though. "Hey Ar, we're having a meeting with the rest of the guard, Nathan's with us too. I couldn't get rid of him. He wants to help out, please give a shout from you, we want to know if we should start the meeting now, or until you get here. Love you Ar.-Logan" I sigh and read the message again, 'where did I hear the name Nathan from? Oh crap! I left him in the interrogation room last night! But to be frank, he was really damn quiet in my defence.' I walk downstairs and straight to Headquarters.