He didn't know what to feel, happy that she was alive again, angry for not telling him she was alive, upset that he almost killed her. Natalie, on the other hand, just seemed indifferent about it. Greg couldn't get his mind off the questions, though. What happened to her? How did she survive? And more importantly... Why is she here?
"Natalie, what happened?" Madison asked.
"Well, I was running from a group of miscreants," Natalie answered. She trailed off, keeping the others waiting for another part.
"Is that it?" Greg asked.
"Yeah, kinda," she said.
"What the hell were you running for?" Greg asked.
"I did something that I shouldn't have," She said.
It was at that moment where Greg wanted to shoot her, one, she's indifferent to everything, two, she's not answering the questions directly. "Nat, what exactly were you running from?" Greg asked. She didn't answer. Madison, Star, and Guillermo were confused on why she wouldn't answer. Greg, on the other hand, wasn't surprised that she said nothing. It had been like this since they were kids, he asks something important, she either avoids it or says nothing at all.
"Typical," Greg said.
"What, you expect me to answer your questions, Greg?" She asked angrily. "I mean, what do you care, you left us years ago without even saying goodbye to me!"
Greg got infuriated by this. That was one thing that disturbed him ever since he moved to DC. He said goodbye to everyone, except Natalie, who didn't want to see him at the time.
"I think you and I both know why I didn't say anything," Greg said.
"Because of your ego?" She spat out. It was at that time that Greg picked his gun up off the floor, and aimed it right between Natalie's eyes. "What, did I touch a nerve?" She asked, sarcastically.
"You and I both know I have no ego," Greg said. This was true, within regards to his friends. His enemies, however, his ego is big enough to end world starvation.
"What are you gonna do, Greg, shoot me?" Natalie teased. "Go ahead, you don't have the balls."
She was right, Greg didn't have the balls to shoot her, in the head, at least. He moved the gun and aimed at her leg, then, with a stern face, squeezed the trigger. But, the bullet didn't fire. "Oh, fuck me!" Greg screamed. He didn't cock the hammer back. But, he gave up, and just walked towards the back door. "I need some air."
Greg walked out, leaving the others in there with Natalie.
"Sorry guys, I just had a rough night," she said.
"We understand, but, so did Greg," Guillermo said.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"He buried his fiancee, did you not see the grave in the back yard?" He asked. "I saw a makeshift headstone... and an empty hole," she answered.
"What?" Madison gasped.
"The hole was empty, no body," Natalie claimed. "You don't think..." They all gasped.
Greg stood outside, angrier than all hell, pacing back and forth. "Goddammit, she comes back from god knows where, and doesn't say a damn thing!" Greg shouted silently. "Typical."
Now, at this moment in time, Greg was too busy being pissed off to notice that Alicia's grave was empty, which caused him to do a double take on it. He stared at the hole, wondering why it was empty. She was dead, there's no way a dead body would be able to crawl out of its grave. "Unless... no, that's stupid," Greg whispered. "Zombies don't exist... I assume." He desperately hoped he was right.
He went back to the door and was about to go inside, till he heard something. The sound of grass crunching as it was being stepped on, not lightly or consistent. By the sound of it, it was heavy, like the person was limping. Greg cocked the gun this time, and aimed it in front of him. The sound got louder, which meant it was closing in. Greg steadied his hand, and his peripheral vision disappeared for a few seconds. What appeared in front of him, he couldn't explain. It was Alicia, but, she looked like she did in his dream, minus the flesh. Pale skin, pale eyes. He looked over at the hole again, trying to confirm his thoughts. He backed away slowly, she followed, growling and limping.
"Listen to me, Alicia, if you're in there," Greg said. He wanted to say 'I love you,' but, those words meant nothing anymore. "This is your cure, okay?"
She lunged at Greg, mouth open, ready to chomp down on his neck. Greg squeezed the trigger, and the bullet fired. It penetrated through Alicia's skull, blood gushed out and flew onto the ground. She laid on the grass, immobile, and lifeless.
Now, the rest of the group rushed out of the house, and found what happened.
"Greg, what happened out here?" Guillermo asked. "Why is Alicia dug up?"
"How do I answer this?" Greg asked. "She dug herself out, and, well, she tried to bite me." Everyone seemed dumbstruck, they didn't know whether or not Greg was telling the truth or not.
"How is that possible?" Madison asked, her voice full of terror. "She was dead." She wanted to believe what she was saying, but, she wasn't sure anymore. "Wait, don't tell me that we're dealing with..." Madison trailed off, not wanting to finish her sentence.
"Yes, Madison, I think she was a zombie," Greg answered. The others looked at Greg like he had lost his mind. "Oh, come on, we were all thinking it." He was right about that.
They decided to wait until morning to discuss more about this, and how they were going to approach this situation. Greg and Guillermo locked and bolted all the doors and windows just to be safe, they watched a lot of zombie movies. After that was done, they laid down to sleep, well, sleep as much as they could before they started freaking out. One thing's for sure, if what Greg said is true, and the possibility of an outbreak is at hand, then, cannibalistic psychos are going to be the least of their problems.