Keep Moving Forward

After ten minutes, Greg and Jay arrived back to Madison's house. They got out of the truck, staring at the ground.

Greg wanted to go back, but, he heard the gunshot that came from the school as they left. He knew what happened, if nothing else, she didn't want to become one of those freaks. "This isn't gonna be easy to break," Greg was talking about the others, who had no idea they were gone.

Jay stood next to Greg and sighed loudly. "I'll be apologizing for this for the rest of my life, but, I'm sorry for bringing you guys in there." Jay shed another tear.

Greg got to the door and sighed. "Jay, it's not your fault, she knew what she was doing."

With heavy hearts, they walked into the house. Guillermo and Star were sitting on the couch, looking down at the floor. Natalie and Elizabeth were in the kitchen, walking out.

"Greg." Guillermo looked over and saw Jay. "Is she infected?"

Greg shook his head. "Madison and I, we went to the school looking for her, after she called me."

Natalie looked at them. "Where's Maddie?"

Greg looked down, tears coming out of his eyes like a waterfall.

"She's..." He couldn't get through it without choking a bit. "She's dead."

They all looked in horror, and sadness.

Natalie cried, and she slammed her hand in anger. "You brought her along with you."

Greg fell to his knees. "There wasn't anything I could do. We got ambushed by a bunch of zombies after we found Jay at the school. She sacrificed herself to save us."

Natalie marched over to him and pulled him up by his collar. "You brought her along with you, and she died. This is your fault!!" He punched him in his left cheek.

Greg looked back at her, his eyes full of tears. "Go ahead, Natalie. I don't deserve to live after what happened... I put her in the position to be killed."

Guillermo shot up and pulled Natalie away from Greg. "That's enough!" He shed tears as well. "We're all heartbroken from Madison dying. But, this isn't what she died for! She didn't die so that Greg and Jay could come back and have all of us break down."

Star stood up, and everyone turned to hear her. Because, if there was one thing about Star, it's that she'd drop some advice that'll hit like a bomb to everyone's hearts. "He's right. She gave her life up so that they could get back to us. And as painful as it will be to never see her again, we have to keep living for her." She walked up and held Greg's shoulder, looking at him with a face of hope. "You can't blame yourself for her choice. We just have to make sure her death is not in vain."

Greg nodded. "Her death won't be in vain. We'll find a way out of this, and we'll keep moving forward. For our families, our loved ones, and for Madison." He looked at Jay, who smiled and nodded. She couldn't say any more than what he already knew.

Greg looked at everyone. "More zombies are starting to show up. We need to move to somewhere that's not so heavily populated."

Guillermo nodded. "I'll handle ammunition."

"I'll take care of the food." Star headed to the kitchen to grab as much as they could.

"I'll make sure we have materials." Elizabeth scattered.

Jay looked at Greg. "What should I do?"

Greg looked around the house, wondering if any firearms were still lying about. "Jay. Scour the house and grab any firearms you can, it doesn't matter if they're loaded or not."

Jay nodded and left to do so.

That left Natalie and Greg standing around the living room, a cold tension brewing in the air they breathed. Natalie took a seat on the couch, shedding tears as Greg leaned on the wall.

"If you're wondering... She didn't become one of them," Greg sighed.

Natalie nodded. "I know. She wouldn't have allowed herself to." Natalie held her gun. "I just... I don't think I can go on without her in my life."

Greg scoffed. "Did you not hear that whole thing we did just now?"

"After Miranda, and all my family, I can't be the only one left," Natalie held the gun to her head. She wanted to end it all. Her finger was slowly setting on the trigger.

"Then you're a fucking coward, Natalie." Greg walks up to her, his hands clenched as fists. "You've lost everyone that cared about you, and now your only solice is to end it?" He shook his head in disappointment. "I knew you were upset, but I didn't expect this from you."

Natalie stood up and aimed her gun at him. "Who are you to tell me what I am?"

"I'm the guy who witnessed Madison's death first-hand." He screamed. "And not once did she say, 'Oh, if Natalie kills herself, that's fine.' If you want to die, then do it when you're old and have lived the life she couldn't." He took the gun from her hands, and unloaded the magazine. He also took the bullet out of the chamber.

"How did you know how to..." Natalie looked in awe.

"I've been in this job for a long time." He hands it back to her. "You either live for her, or I make you live."

Natalie sat down, her hands clenched up. She knew he was right, but, she wanted to know why he was doing this. "Greg... why?"

Greg looked away. "I don't want anyone who stands with me to give up. You and I have our problems, but, you're still a part of us."

Natalie stood up. "Greg... do you still love me?"

Greg sighed. "I've always loved you, Natalie, but I can't be with you... Not after the hell I went through. And not after you told me the truth."

Natalie nodded. "I see... I'm sorry for what happened."

"That's not important. Just keep moving forward, stand on your own two feet." Greg walked off to the back.

Jay, who had found very little, was sitting down and listening to their conversation. She had seen Greg walk to where she was and walk past, looking at her. 'Come to think of it. Why did Greg jump to save me so fast?' She thought. 'He couldn't be... does he?' She looked at him walking off, his shoulders were out to the side and he was walking with pride. 'That's weird... have his shoulders always been so broad?'

Guillermo finished packing all ammunition they have and carried it to the front door. "Now. I guess we'll be leaving tomorrow, since there's still a bit more to do." He goes to sit on the couch with Natalie. Nothing was really said, since they never got along. They just sat in silence. Natalie was polishing her pistol, and Guillermo was picking at his teeth.

Star finished packing all the canned and dry foods they have. She was gonna wait for the frozen and cold stuff for when they leave. She walked out to sit with her fiance, and sat on his lap.

Elizabeth gathered all supplies they would need and set it next to the ammunition. She then sat at the table, reading a book. "It's a shame this world has gone to ruin, I couldn't find a date for prom."

Guillermo snickered. "The whole apocalypse comes crashing down on earth, and all you care about is a prom date?"

Elizabeth snickered as well. "Priorities."

They all laughed.

Jay came out and sat with them, as did Greg. "All right, here's the deal." Greg tossed Guillermo an energy drink. "Its almost sundown, and we can't take the risk of leaving at night."

Guillermo nods and takes a sip of the drink. "So, I'm guessing we're installing a night watch system now," Guillermo stated.

Greg nodded. "Yeah. I'll take first watch for about four hours. Guillermo, you'll take the next. And if need be, we'll have Natalie take a third."

Natalie looked at them in confusion. "Since when did I become a guard?"

"Since you almost decided to kill yourself," Greg sighed.

She wanted to punch him, but she couldn't. She just sighed and sat back down.

"All right, so, we have a plan. At dawn, we leave." He watches the sun go down. "I suggest you guys go to bed."

They all scatter, except for Guillermo and Greg. They just looked over at the window, sighing longly. "Do you think we'll make it, Guillermo?" Greg asked.

Guillermo shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, Greg. For now, we just have to keep moving forward." Guillermo went to go sleep with Star. Greg sat at the couch, holding his gun in his hand.