
They had been driving for a few hours, everyone had been asleep, except for Guillermo. He had been driving for a while, replaying a few memories in his head. One of which was His and Greg's first day in training. They had to go through the most rigorous training program to date, it was even more taxing than the marine corps training. They called the Samuel Colt Training Program, or SCTP. God, he still remembered those days. Coughing up blood, sweating tears, and crawling on the ground just to get the next drink of water. But, even though he was beaten up every day, those were some of his best memories.

He remembered one time, he and Greg were on break from training, they had been bragging about their girlfriends. Sometimes, they were the only people that kept them going. Guillermo would talk about Star, and how beautiful she was. That's all he could ever focus on at times. He'd even think about the things he wanted to do to her when he got back, but, he wouldn't go into detail.

Greg would talk about Alicia, since they were all set to be married, all he had to do was propose. Actually, Guillermo recalled that he had a ring, it wasn't diamond, it was amethyst. He had to sell an arm and a leg for it, but, it was her favorite gemstone.

While Guillermo was daydreaming, Elizabeth had woken up and moved to the front seat. She stared out the window while she watched the thousands of pale, lifeless bodies shuffle around. She sat in silence, looking at her arm. It was missing a chunk of skin, and it looked like there were teeth marks on the wound. 'I can't... I can't do this to them...' she thought.

Guillermo looked around, trying to find a place to stop. "I can't find anything..." he drove around more. Then, he stopped after hearing something. It sounded like gunshots, and laughter. He pulled over and shut the truck off. "Oh no."

The gunshots echoed through the whole area. It woke Greg and Natalie fast enough, and they opened the door to get out. "Where are they?" Greg asked.

"Seem to be coming from right in the direction we're travelling," Guillermo got out as well, preparing to aim his pistol. He stares calmly as the laughter grows closer.

Natalie got in the back of the truck, she was trying to keep calm. She had major anxiety, and this made it skyrocket. Though, she didn't want to be a burden to anyone.

Elizabeth started coughing and hacking up a bit. She sat on the ground for a bit. "Ow."

Greg ran over to her. "Elizabeth, are you all right?" He looks at her arm. He noticed that it was missing skin, but he couldn't see the bite marks. "What happened there?"

She shakes her head. "Nothing. I cleaved myself a new one when I was running last time." She coughed more. That was a bold faced lie, but, she kept it. He unclipped something from behind her and put it in Greg's hand. "Here. Use this when they're all gathered around their vehicle. Those cannibalistic freaks like to do that."

Greg looked at what was given to him. It was a grenade. He was shocked, dumbfounded. How did she come across this? "Elizabeth. Where did you get this?"

She shakes her head. "That's not important. Use it. I'm gonna sit out of this one." She crawled away. She found an old train car near the road and holed up in there. She caught a glimpse of Greg, he was looking at her, she sighed. "I'm sorry, everyone," she whispered. She closed the door, and waited.

The others felt like sitting ducks. They were prepared for a minimal firefight, but, they would suffer a lot of damage if they were to fight a whole army. They never strayed from their positions, though. Even Natalie got up and aimed her pistol.

Matthew was keeping an eye out for them, but, he had no luck so far. That is, until he heard the gunshots. He banged on the truck to signal everyone to be ready. But, by then, the gunshots had already been fired.

"Open fire!" Matthew screamed as he shot at those cannibals.

Guillermo shot his pistol at the three guys who were guarding the front of the truck. He had gotten one out of the way, but, he couldn't move his head to see. He was being pinned down. "Guys! A little help!!" He moved his hand towards him so that it didn't get blown off.

Natalie tried to shoot some of them, but, she couldn't get a good shot on any of them. She hung back, trying to see if she could get a clear shot. But, five more appeared out of the back of the truck, laughing and shooting. 'We're making too much noise... the undead are gonna make their way here,' Natalie thought. She shouted to Greg, "Hey! It's too loud!! We need to finish this!!"

Greg looked at her and nodded. "Shit. She's right," he whispered to himself. He grabbed the grenade that Elizabeth gave him. He stared at the positions those freaks were in. All grouped up... by the truck. "I'll be damned, she was right." He pulled the pin with ease and slid it under their feet. It went under the truck.

No one could explain what they saw. The explosion was massive, and the truck flipped over, all while those flesh eating humans were blown to bits, and crushed by the truck. Natalie was amazed, so was Matthew. Guillermo was cheering. And Greg jumped up and down with joy.

"Hey, Elizabeth!! Your plan worked! They're dead!!" He shouted.

No answer.

"Elizabeth?! Can you hear me?" Greg asked. Still no answer. "Oh shit..."

Greg walked over to the train car, checking to see if any zombies were about to ambush them. Nothing so far, which is surprising, because that whole firefight was pretty much a dinner bell for those undead sons of bitches. He struggled to open the train car, but, he got it. "Elizabeth. It's me. Your plan worked." He laughed. "Oh man, you should've seen it." He got in, not noticing that everyone else was following him. "The whole truck flipped over!" He stared at her, she was looking at the wall.

She turned over to him, and her eyes were lifeless. Black, with red tints. She growled at him and lunged. "Oh shit!!" He screamed as she grabbed him. He held her back by her neck. All he could hear was her growling.

"No. Liz, stop! Please!" He kept pushing her back. "Please. It's me, Greg!" He shouted to her, thinking she would understand him. It didn't work, she had no understanding of language anymore. "Elizabeth, stop!!" He said as he snapped her neck. She laid lifeless next to him as he stared into those lifeless eyes, panting and crying. He analyzed her body, mainly her arm, and now that he was up close, the bite marks were noticeable. He got up and got to the exit of the train car. "That... that's a fucking bite wound..." he growled. "You God damn... STUPID FUCKING BITCH!!" He screamed as he slammed his fists on the walls and shed tears like waterfalls. He got out of the train car. "Fuck!" He slammed it shut.

Guillermo got back to the car, Matthew was in the passengers seat, Natalie was in the back, making sure Star wasn't awoken. God forbid you ever wake Star up. She was awake, but, she had been panicking about the firefight. Surprisingly, she was able to calm down real quick, after it was over.

Greg got in the back seat and punched the door. "Stupid idiot!" He shouted.

"Whoa. Greg, what's going on?" Natalie asked.

"Elizabeth's dead!!" He shouted as more tears came out.

Everyone looked at him, they were flabbergasted. They didn't know how. "What happened?" Guillermo asked.

Greg sighed. "She was infected..." he said. "And she didn't tell us..."

Natalie looked down. "Why? She couldn't have wanted to die..."

"Natalie... as far as we know. There's no cure," Guillermo said. "She may have thought that it was gonna be bad anyway, so, she got away..."

Star cried softly. She wanted to speak, but, she was overcome with grief. She rested her head on Natalie's shoulder.

Matthew shed a few tears as they drove away. "She was the first person I found alive when this whole thing started... and now she's gone..." he sighed. "I should've known..."

Greg looked out the window with a dead look on his face. He couldn't feel anymore... not until something else happened. But, that wasn't gonna be for a while, or it would never happen. "I should've known... we all should've known..."