Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Jungmann activated the radio and contacted Branko Popovic, who was waiting for news at the prospect of taking action shortly.

“Popovic. I'm on my way. I have followed the trail of this Mercier that I told you about from Goma to Rutshuru and Bunagana. It is obvious that they are heading towards the border with Uganda. I know you have good contacts in there.

“That's Hans. I think you can leave the thing in my hands.

“Well, I've sent you a photo of this Mercier in country clothes. It dates back several years but my contacts in Brussels say it is the only one available. The man stays away from social media and there is very little information on the internet about him.

“It is understood.

“Another thing Branko.

“Tell me.

“We don't want anything to happen to him. Keep your men under control.

“It is understood. –The Serbian repeated.