Chapter 18

They had befriended a local farmer, a certain Fergus with whom they had had a couple of beers in a pub down the road. A plan had matured in Gherardi's fertile mind, which Wolfram had later approved.

"We cannot lose anything." Was the pragmatical German's comment. When they returned to town they waited until 11:00 a.m. and then both had gone to the car rental agency where they had rented the vehicle they had used. The store was right in front of the railway station, a strategic place for that business.

There the owner attended them, the same person who had rented the vehicle the day before. Then Wolfram handed over the keys to the small car and paid the difference in rent.

The man asked them.

"Everything okay with the car?"

"Perfectly." Corrado replied.

"Are you leaving town yet?"

"Yes, we must take the 11:15 train."

"All right, it must be arriving at the station, actually ... listen there the whistle blows."

"Okay, let's hurry."

"Is that all your luggage?"