Chapter 72

The fire was gradually dying down as the added firewood was consumed. The three men were still together, each deep in thought. Finally Jack affirmed, turning to Aman.

"As you say, in this mission nothing is as it seems, nor is anyone what they told us at the beginning. What can we finally believe?"

Taro thought for a moment and then answered.

“Orghana is indeed a descendant of King Bogd Khan, and we have met her sister Tsegseg. Just as the sister defended with her life the treasure of the ancient king, fighting with her occult arts against her enemies, also Orghana, raised in the same cradle, and with the same powers, will fight to defend the inheritance of Genghis Khan against any other candidate. that appears, whom she will consider an impostor. "

"That is to say that she is not here only as a representative of the CIA, but to fight for the rights of her family." Jack concluded