Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Ali refilled the empty cups with the flavored tea and began his exposition; before beginning to speak, his mustache was crushed in what seemed to be an automatic gesture.

”There are not only disagreements between various figures and fractions of the government, made up of politicians, but also between religious and military sectors, which depend on the Supreme Leader. The fact is that Ali Khamenei has held that position since 1989, which has led to a stagnation within the ecclesiastical ranks and the consequent disagreement between several ayatollahs and hojatoleslams who think that it is time to open the game to new blood and new ideas. This logically clashes with the interests of the clergy surrounding Khamenei and enjoying the privileges of power. These trends also run counter to the extremely conservative and reactionary character of the Shiite clergy, opposed on principle to any change.”

"Are these dissatisfied sectors, reformist or progressive?" Asked Jack.