“Oh there they ar- Oh my!” I heard my mom.
Instantly, I pulled away from Juliette and looked behind her to find grandpa, mom and dad standing.
“Juliette?” my mom called.
I looked back at Juliette to see her standing like a statue. Shocked.
Her mouth was slightly open and she gazed towards nowhere in particular, lost. As much as I have noticed her, she does that whenever she is in shock or surprised. She would become a statue, and she wouldn’t even blink until someone calls for her.
She was screaming and struggling against me a few seconds ago and that is when I marked my family walking towards us. It would have been a trouble if they heard her so, the only way to shut her was to...
And then she witnessed me killing before her with her own eyes. It’s not like she has never witnessed something like this beforehand, so why is she all frightened up all of a sudden?