I was born like that

Usain's average speed at his peak was 10.44 m/s, but his top speed at one stage during the race was 12.27 m/s.

Hikaru had beaten that by several levels with 13.48 m/s. It was said that speeds after Usain's Bolt's top speed were approaching the human limit.

He was just a middle schooler, but he had just reached the apex of human potential? Or had he surpassed it and will grow up even stronger?

Was he even human anymore?

What the f*** is he!

“That's faster than Usain Bolt's top speed, isn't it?”

Hikaru said, looking at the stopwatch from behind him.

Speak of the devil.

Nagisa flinched as he was abruptly pulled out of his thoughts.

Goosebumps raised over his body.

“Hi-Hikaru, how…”

Nagisa asked.

“I was just born that way. I never trained before in my life.” Hikaru said casually.


Nagisa was visibly confused. How could anyone be that fast without training? Was Hikaru really that talented?

There was no doubt Hikaru was born with a gift but without training to nurture and refine that gift, he shouldn't be this fast. He should be moving at 10 m/s at most without practice. Could it be that with training, he could run a lot faster?

Nagisa trembled from this realization.

But, could Hikaru be lying? That was the most plausible explanation.

“Are you lying”


There was no sign that Hikaru was lying from his expressions. Of course, he could just be a good liar.

Nagisa felt he asked a useless question.

“Who are you? Are your parents' athletes? Are you going to compete in the Olympics?”

“I have no interest in sports… Since I don't train at all I wanted to see what my limits were this year. I'm just your average middle school student.”

Hikaru said that while smiling.


It shocked him that Hikaru wasn't aiming to break the world records when he was so talented and young. Anyone who had such skill wouldn't hesitate to take the World Cup for glory. If not for that then for money.

How could such a gift of speed land into the hands of someone who had a zero interest in it? Was he not ambitious enough?

“Hikaru, are you really not competing? With your talent, you could just breeze through the tournaments. Why not just try?”

“I'm not interested” Hikaru waved his hand as he said that.

It flabbergasted Nagisa.

'What a waste!'

Despite losing the race, he didn't care about that as he had reached his dreams.

Relaxation and calm came over his body, making him feel tired and relieved.

He has got to thank Hikaru for being the catalyst to his breakthrough.

A deep part of Nagisa was afraid of the truth, the truth that maybe if he hadn't met Hikaru, he would never have reached his dreams.

“Hikaru-san.” Nagisa straightened his back and looked at him seriously.

“Just Hikaru is fine.”

“Hikaru, thank you so much for helping me reach my dreams.”

Nagisa bowed humbly.

In any other situation, Chisato would feel uncomfortable that someone as old as Nagisa was bending almost 90 degrees, but she understood why he did so.

With someone far superior to Usain Bolt — a world-class superstar sprinter, it only felt natural or proper that someone show that much gratitude.

She imagined it would be ungrateful if one didn't show the proper amount of respect.

Realizing this, she hurriedly stepped up to Nagisa's side and bowed as well.

“Thank you so much for making my father's wish happen!”

“Think nothing of it. I just needed your father's help, and it just happened that I incidentally helped him without meaning to. It was mutually beneficial.”

Nagisa got up and gave a hard smile.

“I'd prefer if you didn't say it like that. You truly helped me reach my aspirations. I owe you my life. Whereas I only did you a small favor, you could have done with someone else.”

Hikaru didn't think so. It wasn't a big deal but going out of his way to find some world-class athlete would have been a waste of time.

“Then, we're just two friends who both did each other favors,” Hikaru said smiling.

Nagisa's smile brightened up.

“Yes, good friends.”

Countless times have Hikaru made friends but felt nothing. This time there was a strange warm mellow feeling that was growing in his hollow chest.

Naturally, Hikaru felt confused.

“Perhaps we'll even grow closer…”

Nagisa continued talking but since Hikaru was trying to describe what he was feeling and didn't hear him, Nagisa was just talking to himself.

“Ah!” Nagisa exclaimed.

Hikaru broke out of his deep thoughtfulness.

“What is it?”

“Hikaru! I saw you jump very high before didn't you!”


“Can you show it to me again?”

Chisato furrowed her eyebrows.

What was this about jumping high?

“Yes… but on a condition.”

Nagisa's eyes twinkled.

“Yes, what is it, boy? Do you want money? I can get you lots of that!”

“I want you to delete that race footage.”

Nagisa's smile cracked.

“Re-really? Why is that?”

“If I wanted fame, I would have let the talent agents sign me up. I want to keep a low profile. Yes, another condition is that you'll keep this a secret.”

Nagisa wanted to keep such outstanding footage. It was like a UFO sighting.

He decided just to treasure it in his memories.

“Sure, Chisato delete it now, please.”


Chisato stepped over to the camera and pressed a few buttons.

When Hikaru was satisfied with what he saw, he stood next to the side of the house just below one of their windows.

Hikaru bent his knees and then flew up into the air.

Nagisa and Chisato's eyes stared with their mouths wide open.

A tiny black fly flew into Nagisa's mouth, but he didn't notice it when he closed his mouth and swallowed since his throat was dry.

He needed the extra protein anyway.

“Hikaru! That was amazing! You're also the best high jumper in this world!”

“Thanks, although I'm certain there are others who are even better than me.”