Binary Decision

Hikaru half-expected this. No matter what people’s hobbies are, their quirks, their high school life, their true selves boil down to a binary decision. Ones and zeros. Fight or flight. Help or don’t help.

The lady saw Hikaru watching from the end of the alley.


She made eye contact with Hikaru and pleaded.

“Help! Help! Please help me!”

Hearing that she found someone, the tanned man looked towards the end of the alleyway and saw a boy wearing a school uniform.

“Huh? A student?”

The man grinned his yellow teeth. It wasn’t anyone he had to worry about.

“Oi, kid, get out of here if you know what’s good for you!”


Hikaru looked away and walked off.


The woman had finished getting her Slurpee and went to the counter.

Asahi picked at random and grabbed the Wasabeef chips. The strength of his clutch crushed some chips in the bag.

He waited in line behind her and gawked at her thicc butt without concealing it.

The clerk crossed his brows when he saw this; he was uncomfortable but did nothing.

He put on his most polite voice as if he was talking to the Emperor himself.

“Thank you for waiting!”

Asahi slapped his chips on the table. The clerk immediately scanned it.


The clerk flinched upon hearing that.

“Yes, sir?”

“Aren’t you going to ask me for a point card?”

The clerk’s face paled. It’s standard procedure, but he didn’t ask because he assumed the man didn’t have one.

“So, yoush just assumed I have nothing like a point card because of how I look? This is discrimination! Is this how you treat your loyal customers! ”

“I’m terribly sorry!”

Asahi crossed his arms.

“Well then, I’m waiting.”

The clerk swallowed.

“Do you have a point card?” The clerk asked in a meek voice.

“No,” Asahi said and grinned.

The clerk froze.

The customer berated him and made him apologize even though he didn’t have a point card. He was just being abused.

“Is there a problem?”

“No, sir!”

“That’s 630 yen in total sir…”

“Hah? Are you trying to rip me off?”

He shook back in fright when Asahi raised his voice again.

“No, sir!”

The clerk hurriedly checked the chips and said: “Unfortunately, this uses premium Wagyu (Japanese beef) and so costs a bit more.”

Besides, it’s common knowledge that the prices of everything in 24-seven are higher than supermarkets.


Asahi dropped some coins onto the table, one of them rolled off the countertop. The coins weren’t enough at a glance.

“Pay the rest.”


“Are you an idiot? I’m giving youse a chance to pay me back. Sigh, how much is left over?”

Asahi’s voice calmed down after he sighed. Being optimistic, The clerk thought he was coming back to his senses.

“410 yen.” The clerk replied with a trembling voice.

“410 yen…”

Asahi flicked hard with his finger on the flashy advertisement screen display next to some candy stacks on the counter. It wobbled feebly.

“Pretty small price to pay… Isn’t it?” Asahi said as he grinned maliciously.

A couple of dollars worth was a good trade-off to get rid of this man. Whether he would attack or cause damage to the property, either would make the night go a lot worse.

The clerk quickly took out his wallet and paid the rest.

“Please come again!”

“Oi. Are you forgetting something?”

The clerk gasped.

Asahi pointed to the chips.

The clerk had a confused expression on his face as he took a moment to scramble through his head for what he was asking for.

“Would you like a plastic bag?”

“Hmmm… No.”

Asahi walked laughing his ass off.

He opened the bag of chips and put a handful into his mouth. Salty and savory beef instantly hit home. The blended wasabi tickles the taste buds and clears his stuffy sinuses. The potato accentuated the creaminess and umami of the beef.

His clothes fully ripped off leaving him butt-naked in a sea of picture frames passing by. Memories of pleasure in violating all the women he had assaulted in the past surrounded and embraced him, filling his orifices with nostalgia.

He slowly woke from his ecstasy when the headlights of a car passed him.

He continued walking and stuffed another handful in his mouth before saying “Not bad.”


She pleaded with all her spirit through her eyes, but her plea was rejected when the student averted his gaze and walked away.

“No, don't go! I’m begging you! Please help!”

Asahi chuckled as he watched her face fall into despair.

“Of corse he walked away! Did ya really think a little boy is coming to save you? You shudnt ask in da first place. Idiot.”

“Oi. You wouldn’t need to do that if you brushed your teeth.”

“Hah? Who said that!”

Asahi looked up and saw Hikaru, he kept looking behind him to see if there was anyone else, but there wasn’t. It meant the schoolboy was the one who insulted him.

“You piece of sh*T! You talkin to ME?”

“Does anyone else look like they were dropped on the face as a baby?”

“You! FUUUU- How dare you! You fu*khead! I’m gonna f*** you up!” Asahi was so angry that he had multiple curses going at once that ended up being canceled out.

“Clearly I’ve hit a nerve.”

Asahi threw the woman behind him, and she landed hard on the ground. He started walking to Hikaru and when he got a better view of his face; he started grinning.

Asahi wasn’t gay. He liked women, especially with big breasts.

He heard that some guys in his gang had violated a little boy, and he didn’t really get it. Furthermore, he understood it as being “prison gay”. Although, he suspected one of them was homosexual.

If he were them, he personally would just take a woman if taking a child is on the table. A minor doesn’t have breasts after all.

However, seeing Hikaru’s androgynous beauty, he was tempted.

Deleted scenes

“No sir! I’m so sorry! I ask for your forgiveness!” The clerk said as he bowed so low that he kept bumping his forehead on the counter.

“You bastard! You’re smashing my chips!”

Feel free to leave a review, comment, and any constructive criticism.

Also about that food scene, I started on a lite n easy diet a few days ago. I'm going nuts.