Red Lipstick

Note: Characters depicted in this story are 18 years and older unless stated.

There are bright turquoise-blue eyes on Alyssa. She has Venetian-blonde chin-length hair, laid on the sides around her face, with a straight-cut fringe resting on her eyebrows.

Alyssa wasn't sexy, but she was just as beautiful. She carried an air of innocence and purity. That is exactly why Elijah was head over heels for her.

She was wearing the school green jacket as she typically does unless it's 30 degrees or higher. She's quite shy about showing her skin.

In his opinion, she made the uniform look its best. She was the poster girl for their school. She was on the billboards for enrollment advertising at the train station and other places.

She wore a white shirt and red neck-tie under her jacket, a blue and orange skirt in a tartan pattern.

She usually has a gentle expression but right now there was a fierce look on her face.

It surprised the girls that Jason's last ex showed up. Alyssa recently broke up with Jason, causing him to hit rock bottom and turn into a tornado rampage since then. Nicole was the only one who was happy about the break-up. She still had feelings for Jason despite him leaving her for Alyssa.

Nicole's friends kept silent since Jason still cared about Alyssa.

"What the hell are you getting in my way for?" Nicole snapped.

"You heard him. Elijah didn't come in here on his own. Jason made him and you know it."

"Yea and I don't care. So f*** off."

"No," Alyssa reproached.

Nicole gave her a dirty look.

"You're snitching on Jason and sticking with this loser? Girl, you must be crazy."

Nicole started smiling at something.

"After you broke his heart, he's been coming over to my bed. Don't worry, I've been taking good care of him." She said with a contemptuous smile.

Seeing that Alyssa didn't react, Nicole's face twisted.

It was like Alyssa had used Jason and broke his heart. She didn't seem to care.

"You b*tch. Don't you care about him? Or were you sleeping around with old men!"

"I'd never cheat on my boyfriend. Come on, let's go."

Alyssa grabbed Elijah by the arm to walk out of there.

"OH! I get it! You have a crush on Elijah!"

"Huh!" Elijah uttered as if a bomb blew up in his face.

Alyssa turned around, shocked.

Elijah stared at Alyssa's face to see if it was true.

"What? No, I don't." She said squinting at Nicole.

The look on Elijah's face dropped and turned into self-pity.

Nicole was just saying whatever to piss Alyssa off.

"I got a video of him. He's still going to get expelled!"

"I'll vouch for him. If you want to take it to court, fine."

"Yea so what? I'll tell everyone he pulled up my skirt and touched me."

Nicole turned to face her followers.

"And they all saw." Nicole and the girls grinned.

If they really testified against him, Elijah could go to the juvenile detention center. Even if he didn't, he would be put on the sex offender registry. It would be very difficult for him to get a job in the future or make friends.

Stigma, hate messages, and death threats would plague him for years.

Terror overtook his face.

Alyssa looked just as worried.

"Of course if you want to help your loser boyfriend. You must do something for me."

Alyssa gulped.

"What do you want?" She asked with her eyes narrowed.

Nicole reached under her skirt and pulled down her panties. Then she fondled a bit before pulling out a red capsule. She threw it on the bathroom floor which made a splat.

It was a tampon.

"Use it as lipstick, you cheap slut."

Elijah's jaw dropped as he looked at the dirty tampon.

Jennifer: "Ewwww!"

Stephanie: "That's disgusting!"

"Shut the hell up!" Nicole retorted.

Although the girls complained and joked around, they were looking forward to Alyssa's reaction.

Alyssa's face turned scarlet. She had never been exposed to such indecency.

"You're sick, Nicole!" Alyssa shouted.

"Then get the f*** out of my way b*tch"

She thought that would get Alyssa out of here, but she didn't move from her position.

Everyone had a puzzled look on their faces.

"Ok. I'll do it," Alyssa said solemnly.

No one could believe their ears. Especially Elijah who said nothing because he knew she was going to leave and that he would have to wash his face in the toilet bowl.

'What? Is she out of her mind?'

Nicole thought she was dreaming.

'Does she actually have a thing for Elijah? No way!'

"What!" Elijah shouted.

"Hurry up. It's getting dry." Nicole said cruelly.

Elijah faced Alyssa.

"What! No way! Don't do it!"

Alyssa said nothing. She just stared hard at the tampon on the ground.

Then she stepped forward.

"Alyssa! I won't let you!"

He held both of her arms to stop her from moving.

"Shut up weeb unless you want to spend the next year studying in juvie."

"Wait! I'll wash my face in the toilet 10 times!"


"I'll do anything you want! Just let her go!"

"I don't care! If she doesn't do it, I'll send you in juvie! My dad will make sure you'll be in there for a long time!"

Elijah's face froze in despair.

Nicole's dad was one of the top prosecuting attorneys in the state, Louisiana.

Alyssa breaking out of his grip snapped Elijah out of his juvie daydream.


"I have to do this." She said with resolution.

Elijah couldn't say anything. He didn't want to go to juvie at all.

As much as he hates it, Alyssa smearing some period blood on her lips was a small thing. He could make it up to her with whatever it takes.

She wanted to go to medical school, so maybe he can make things better by raising money. He'll work two or three jobs if he has to. No matter how long, or maybe she'll never forgive him, he'll do it for as long as it takes to ask forgiveness.

Alyssa slowly picked up the tampon with her thumb and forefinger. She went white and nauseous.

It hurt to watch someone he loves to do this.

'Wait. Love?'