Fated to Love

"Oh… donn't" Azrael said shyly.

"Truck God-sama! Save the world!" Charles said in the impersonation of a desperate man.

"Your number one Isekai delivery service!" Azrael pronounced.

They both laughed at each other so hard that tears had budded out.

"Ahh, I haven't heard that Japanese nick-name for so long," Azrael said when he wiped his tears.

The newer generation of Japanese System workers had come up with that nick-name.

They both turned to watch the hologram projection.

Elijah and Alyssa were walking home silently like two awkward love birds. It was a romantic setup.

Azrael licked his lips.

How perfect it was for a tragic ending.


Elijah and Alyssa were walking side by side on a quiet street. It was too quiet.

Since it was the last day of school and the students were eager to leave, there was hardly anyone leaving the school which had turned into a haunted place.

They were held up by Nicole's group after school. So they hadn't bumped into anyone.

Although they were happy that they both had feelings for each other, they didn't know what to say.

They started the conversation a few times, but it quickly died after. It was awkward.



Elijah hesitated for a moment.

"I can't believe that you like me…"

"Well… I'm surprised you didn't reject me after I rejected you once."

"How could I reject you? You're the most amazing girl in the world."

Alyssa thought about all the other girls that she knew who was better than her.

"Me? You're kidding."

"I'm serious." Elijah thought for a moment. "Maybe not in the world, but you are amazing to me. You're more than I could ask for. I'd be so happy if you really do like me."

"Well, thanks." Alyssa blushed. "Wait, what do you mean if I like you?"

Alyssa was confused because they had already confessed to one another in the restroom.

"Well, you said that you like me, but what did you mean by that? Maybe you just like me as a friend."

Elijah's insecurity came from never having someone love him, and he mistook the word "like" in the past with other girls. There's never been a single girl who's been infatuated with him.

"Do I really have to say it?"

"Say what? You mean the three words?"

"Three words? What's that?"

"Well…. you know."

Elijah faced Alyssa and saw that she stared at him with a clueless look on her face.

"Well, you know… the three words are… Errr." Elijah turned his face away.

"I- love… you." He blushed.

After a moment had passed, Alyssa had said nothing. He was surprised that it was quiet, so he had glanced at her only to see that she had covered her mouth while she was giggling.

When Elijah saw that, she had burst out laughing.

"Hey!" Elijah complained.

"Sorry! It was too funny I couldn't resist! It was cute though."




"I get you mean those three words, but it could also mean I like you."

"Oh, yeah… those are three words too."

"So what I'm trying to say is that I… like-like you."

"Oh… like-like. That's good. So just to be clear, romantically right?"

"Mhm." Alyssa's cheeks glowed red. "I really like you. It's just too soon to say those three words right? I mean we don't know each other that well yet and what if one of us has to leave to a faraway place or pass away from a sudden illness?"

"Oh, I didn't really think of that. Have you already thought this through?"

Alyssa was a lot smarter than he was, and she looked like the type that had planned every minor part of her life out.

"Uh, it's not like you have to think that deeply to consider that," Alyssa said in a flustered state, but Elijah was looking down at the footpath and hadn't noticed it.

"That's true."

Maybe he hadn't considered the problems that could happen when dating Alyssa, but it was because he was prepared to do anything for her.

If there were financial issues, he could just make more money. If her work forced her to be somewhere else, he could just find a job in her area. If they got sick, he could just get the best treatment, unless it was an incurable illness… It was unlikely.

'Should I ask her if she has any genetic diseases or hidden illnesses? Maybe she wouldn't know either unless I ask for a health checkup, but it's too early to ask. That would be weird… Come on! Pull yourself together! You're dating the love of your life! You can't screw this up! I can't believe I'm walking with her!'

They had both stopped at a small pedestrian crossing with a traffic light and pressed the button.

Elijah's heart was beating so fast that his hands wanted to turn into a fidget spinner. Little did he know, Alyssa was also nervous.

"I turn left after this street," Alyssa said.

No cars were crossing, but they didn't want to waste the time they had left by jaywalking.

After a moment of silence, Elijah spoke up.

"So, does this mean we're official now?"

"Mmm yes, I guess we are now." Alyssa smiled as she said that. "Just keep it a secret for now."

"Yeah, of course."

Elijah was so happy that he couldn't contain it. He wasn't satisfied with letting things stay the way they are now.

"Then let's do it properly."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Alyssa had a confused look on her face.

"Alyssa… will you be my girlfriend?" Elijah said in a voice reserved for proposals.

A surprised look came upon her face before changing to delight and then shyness.

"Yes, I would love to."

*Boop Boop Boop Boop*

It was like she had waited for the pedestrian lights to turn green and ran across the road.

She stopped in the middle and turned around. Then she bent over with her hands behind her back adorably and giggled.

It thrilled her. Elijah was truly the one for her.

Elijah smiled back and exhaled. His chest felt very light.

He walked after her but noticed something approaching in his peripheral vision.

It was a truck, and it wasn't slowing down.

Elijah didn't understand why but the truck driver was grinning at him then he realized that the truck would not hit him.

It was going to hit Alyssa.