69 - Green swarm

'Traitor? Why would she think I'm a traitor?'

Elijah noticed his arms were caked in blood then he understood why she thought that.

"It's not what you think!"



The lady suddenly stumbled forward and bent over. Elijah saw an arrow sticking out of her back shoulder.

He went over and supported her bodyweight.

"Are you okay!"

She kicked his stomach with her knee and pushed him to the ground beside her.

-30 HP

She hits hard!

The lady ran past him into the round intersection of the cave. She ran to the dead end and touched the wall with both hands.

"It can't be…"

She thought she had mistaken this place for the cave entrance and so looked around for clues to where she was.

Then she found a cross that was scratched into the ground, she realized it was indeed the same place.

"How can this be!"

She searched the wall with her hands to find a trigger to open the wall but there was nothing. She slapped on it twice while she yelled.

"This can't be happening! It was here!"

"What was?" Elijah asked.

She turned around and stared at him incredulously.

They locked eyes for a while.

She was in her early 20s but could pass off as an 18-year-old. The young lady had white smooth skin, brunette hair tied in a long ponytail and she was taller than Elijah.

She was Caucasian but wore something similar to a white Chinese martial art vest.


Elijah thought it was weird that she seemed to have frozen. Then her eyes became dazed after she finally blinked.

She reached out and easily pulled the arrow from her back which only pierced in a bit like a dart and stared at it.

There was a black ooze mixed in with her blood.

The arrow dropped from her hand. When it hit the ground, she wobbled.

Elijah kept his hands in front of him, ready to catch her when she fell.

"Hey! Are you alright?"


High-pitched laughter came from behind.

He saw a group of goblins coming out of the center passage. Then the right and left passages. The goblins looked at the other groups and snickered.

There were at least 5 in each group. They merged and surrounded the two in a semi-circle.


The lady had hit the wall with her back and slid down to her butt. Her legs were sprawled out and her arms were slumped to her sides.

"Hey!" Elijah called out.

Her eyes were still open. They had no light in them and she stared blankly without blinking. The only sign that she was still alive was her chest slowly rising and falling which was hard to spot.


Elijah saw a couple of archers concealing themselves in the back with evil grins. He had to avoid getting hit by one of those arrows which would not be easy.

The goblins weren't worried at all because they had the advantage in numbers. They were just going to wait for someone to go in first to take the hit and test the strength of this adventurer boy.

He seemed like an easy target because he held a short-ranged weapon but the blood of goblins on him made them wary.

They had a wonderful sense of smell.

The front line of goblins rushed him. Elijah swept four of them away with a turning kick. He then smacked a goblin on his left side with his back-hand and then slashed another goblin to his right.

His unfathomable strength let the blunt knife slice through the goblin's face, neck, and chest like a little chicken.

[You have killed a goblin!]

Several more goblins rushed him since they thought that was the end of his chain of attacks.

Indeed, he didn't expect them to continue attacking him but he wasn't fatigued at all. His unnatural strength and speed allowed him to catch up.

He raised his arm to block an attack on his head. The wooden club smashed into his arm but it dealt minor damage.

-13 HP

He stabbed at the goblin who was still in the air after doing a jump and overhead strike. It stuck to his knife like a kebab.

[You have killed a goblin!]

A goblin came to his right and stabbed his right thigh and another stabbed into his side with a stone dagger.

-21 HP

-25 HP

A slash to the right made the goblin's top half of his skull slid off.

[You have killed a goblin!]

Elijah had grabbed the left goblin by its wrist and swung it at another row of goblins charging at him. He batted them into the air.

Elijah sensed a presence approaching his back. He swept the air with the goblin bat when he turned around, smashing the sneaky goblin across the air into the wall.

He took a couple of steps forward.

*Smack smack*

His new "weapon" had a much longer reach and so he went into the crowd and swept them away.

[You have killed a goblin!]

[You have killed a goblin!]

The goblin bat in his hand was already dead from misuse.

The goblins were being pushed back physically and mentally. That is until more groups of goblins charged out from the three passages.

The battle cry of the charging goblins raised their morale. They pumped their fists into the air and cheered.

"Bring it on!" Elijah yelled.

*Smack smack*

[You have killed a goblin!]

Green after green poured from the cave passages like ants. They were flung away like ants.

*Smack smack*

[You have killed a goblin!]

[You have killed a goblin!]

[You have leveled up!]

*Smack smack*

[You have killed a goblin!]

[You have killed a goblin!]

A goblin had almost dodged Elijah's swing but got hit by the foot of the goblin bat and fell to the ground. He struck the fallen goblin with his bat again and again.

[You have killed a goblin!]

The goblins had gotten used to Elijah's speed and the range of his attack so it was hard to hit them again unless he left the center. He didn't because he was worried about the lady behind him.


Elijah sensed an arrow from behind and dodged. However, he wasn't fast enough. The arrow hit his back.


-19 HP


He spotted the archer and threw his goblin bat in a fit of anger.

[Fist of Fury activated!]

The goblin bat smashed into the archer and bent its upper torso backward.

[You have killed a goblin!]


LV. 9

Name: Elijah Whitlock


-500 Dark [______________|I______________] Light +500 (19)

Class: None

Title: None


HP: 294/450

MP: 91/100

Fatigue: 57


Strength: 18

Agility: 7

Sense: 4

Vitality: 7

Intelligence: 4

Charisma: 5

AP: 5



-Passive Skills-

Goddess of Fortune’s blessing (luck boost)

Pain Reduction: 60%

Brawler Toughness: 20% damage reduction to unarmed attacks and 5% damage reduction to blunt attacks.

Arbitrary threat level detector lvl. 2 (maxed)

Bite resistance: 50% damage reduction to bite attacks


Troll King’s clotting factor: Immune to natural bleeding. Does not work against magical effects.



-Active Skills-

Fist of Fury: Damages target with 125% of caster’s strength in a single punch. Cooldown is ignored when the user is furious. Emotional energy is consumed.

Cooldown: 6 minutes


-Summoning Magic-

Light spirit: MP cost: 10 (uncontracted)

-Arcane Magic-

Fire Bolt: MP cost: 15 (7.5)