A Goblin's Right to Live

They approached the trap door slowly. Elijah could sense 8 tiny figures on the other side. He signaled to Stephanie with that number with his fingers. They both nodded.

He took the front and kicked the door down. The trap door was merely a sheet of tree bark placed against a hole. It couldn’t fit in the hole and so was smashed open.


The eight figures began crying and screaming. They were goblin children…

The lair was already a disgusting smelly place, but that was a background smell compared to the stench that assaulted their noses.

There were several skeletons in the room, and they weren’t anatomically complete. There were scattered parts around the floor and also scraps of flesh.

There was one dead body in the middle of the room. It was cold and blue, which contrasted against the warm and pink person next to the corpse.

“Regina!” Stephanie called out.