The room was silent, and the pressure was suffocating.
Then a voice dispersed the heavy air.
“None of us is perfect. We’re all human. It's like one of those things that you say… Imperfection isn’t coded in our DNA. It is our DNA.”
Alice covered her face with her hands.
“I get it… I know how it feels to be the cause of so much pain to the people you love. I know you hate yourself for not doing more for Temari.”
“Do more? I did nothing! I couldn’t even look at her in the eye!”
Elijah sighed, not because of Alice but because of something heavy in his chest.
“… I didn’t have many friends in high school. Sometimes I didn’t have one at all but one time I had two best friends… I met them both in a game called Team Wolf. We had started a guild and even though I sucked in a lot of shooter games, I was good in this one. So good actually, that I ranked in the top 20 players.