
Alice closed her eyes as blood splattered on her face.

After a while, she realized she was still alive and so opened her eyes.

What she thought was blood was actually the dirt from the impact of the ground.

She couldn't turn her head, but she could see in her peripheral vision that a metal capsule was embedded in the dirt next to her face.

She was paralyzed but could still breathe. Alice felt her diaphragm relax as she sighed.

That was too close.

Others in her position would simply thank god even if they didn’t believe in that concept but Alice’s brain clicked on.

The probability that this was a coincidence was too slim. Was this the work of a higher being, perhaps the System? Or was it because she was still in Elijah’s sphere of good luck?

Or she was thinking too much…

Life is strange.

Then out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a light coming from a tree close by.

‘What is that?’ she thought.