First Encounter

After hearing a scream, Bunta and Elijah hurried and barged into the parents’ bedroom.

Elijah and Bunta came into a scene in which Masakatsu, Bunta’s father, was swinging a bedside lamp in the corner while the mother, Hisayo, was smacking a wall with her slipper.

At first, it looked like the two had gone mad but when they looked closer; they saw a gray worm on the ground crawling to the Masakatsu while the other pounced on Hisayo's arm.

She started screaming in pain as the worm drilled into her wrist. She smacked it with the slipper to stop it, but it had already entered her arm. It crawled under her skin and headed upward.

Her smacks weren’t effective as the force dissipated across the flesh of her arm. She left huge red marks where she hit. Then she dropped the slipper and clenched her arm above the elbow with a hand to stop the bulge from traveling further up, all the while she screamed.

The parasite was causing her pain as it ripped through her flesh.