Parasitoid | Save me!

“I’ll come back. I promise. You trust your mummy don’t you?” Kasai asked.

Saeki nodded.

“I’ll be fine. Saeki, you must be quiet and not make any noise okay?”

Saeki nodded again.

“No matter what, even if daddy calls for you, or sister or… even mummy. Don’t come out until the police come okay?”

“Mummy, but if you call, I will come right away.”

“No! No baby, you have to promise me you'll stay right here until the police come. You absolutely must, never, come out of here! Do you understand?” She said shaking him a bit.

Tears trickled down from his eyes as he nodded.

She realized she was gripping him too hard. When she stopped, color returned to her hands which were white when she squeezed tightly.

She hugged her boy one last time. Tears squeezed out both of their eyes.

She kissed him on his cheeks and felt his hot tears. Then kissed his forehead and said, “I love you so much, Saeki. My baby, live. Live and grow up and have kids of your own okay?”