“Hahaha! Why are you bringing me to the alley?” she said teasingly.
“I’ll show you,” he said and pushed her against the wall.
It hit her back hard.
“Ugh!… Mmm, you’re so rough now. I like it~.”
The man chuckled.
“Close your eyes.”
“Hmm okay~”
After she closed her eyes, she heard a sticky fleshy sound like something was opening.
Curious, she opened her eyes and saw that his face was opened up into four triangular flaps of flesh. There were rows of pointy teeth in a circular arrangement inside the huge face mouth.
The parasite’s head was sliced off. Elijah was standing next to them and pushed the beheaded body away with his left hand. His raw strength flung the body a few meters away into a dumpster.
[Quest Completed!]
“Are you okay?”
The woman was so busy crying and puffing that she didn’t answer immediately.
“What is he… What was that?”
Alice stood before a man in his garage.